He pulled her face and kissed her awaiting lips in gentle caring way. More tears trailed down her cheeks as she felt the lips of her former enemy.

The image Ron's brown eyes appeared in her mind and she kissed the man hungrily. He was surprised at her new energy but he applied the same energy to feel her mouth. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the face of Draco Malfoy. She pulled back quickly. Draco watched her with widened eyes.

"What happened?" he asked. "I am sorry, Malfoy!" she muttered in a whisper. She felt her cheeks warming up in embarrassment. She looked around and saw the waitress giving her glares. She looked away and fixed her eyes on the handsome slytherin.

"Mione, dear?" he questioned. She just stared at him. She closed her eyes once more and mentally lectured her to move on.

She opened her eyes and saw Draco's grey eyes gazing into her brown eyes. She quickly pulled him into another fierce kiss which surprised him. But soon he pulled her into an embrace and kissed her.

Soon they pulled apart panting for some air. Hermione had a smirk of victory on her face. Draco watched her with a confused expression. She laughed at him.

"Woah, mione, that was really something!" he complimented.
"Here is your breakfast sir and miss!" the waitress served them the plates and walked away without much word. Hermione smirked as she saw the waitress walking away feeling defeated.
They completed their food while gossiping about their Hogwarts days.
"Excuse me for few minutes, mione. Will be back in minutes" Draco said and placed a kiss on her checks. He rushed to the loo.

After doing the necessary stuff, He washed his hands and looked up in the mirror. Two men were standing behind him with their wands pointed at him. "Young Malfoy, such a disgrace. Tsk, tsk" dolohov muttered. "Blood traitor" greyback added.

Soon lights emerged from their wand, but he ducked the shot and pulled his wand out. He threw hexes but the two managed to save themselves. "muffiliato" greyback muttered and the room went quiet from outside. The duel continued between the three wizards.

"Darn, he is taking a lot of times" Hermione thought as she tapped her foot on the floor impatiently. She grabbed her bag, and walked to the men's door. She knocked on the door.
The three men watched the door hearing the knock.

"Draco?" Hermione's voice called. Grins appeared on the death eaters' faces and they quickly flicked their wands, pulling Hermione in the room. Hermione grabbed the wand in her hand, quickly and threw a curse at the werewolf. He ducked it. "crucio" he hissed at Draco.

He fell down on the ground with a loud screech. Antonin threw curses at the witch while she shielded them. He managed to keep her busy while; greyback used the curciatus on the slytherin.

Her blood boiled in anger and she shot rectasempra at dolohov, making his body fly and hit the toilet cubes. Greyback got distracted and tried to curse the mudblood witch.

"You filthy mudblood!" he screamed with rage. "petrifucus totalas" draco hissed at him and he fell on the floor with a loud bang.

Hermione quickly walked to Draco who was sitting on the floor and shaking from the pain. "Are you all right?" her panicked voice asked the man.

"I am, don't worry. Inform the office" he said. She waved her wand and sent her otter patronus. She kissed the man and he kissed back.

"You will pay for this, blood traitor. Remember, once a death eater, always a death eater" Antonin hissed as he was ready to apparate. The couple looked at his direction, but he vanished with a loud crack.

"Hermione?" harry voice called. She looked at the door and saw harry and dean standing with their wands. Some more wizards were standing there.

"Death eater, greyback" Draco muttered pointing at the body of the werewolf. Dean and the other two wizards walked to the body's direction.

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