Chapter 31: I See Unicorns

Start from the beginning

          “Don’t move Liam, you’re just going to fall again.” He giggled, and wrapped his arms around me.

          “Ah, but bunnies can fall, and all they do is turn into rainbow candies! Hey! Maybe I can be a candy! Do you think I’d be a good M&M?!” he said, hiccupping.

          “No, you’d be more like a Hershey kiss….” I mumbled. Wait, no! This was not the time to be crazy! “I mean, what are you doing? Do you even drink?!”

          “Uh, not all the time. As long as I ration myself, I’ll be fit!” he said, his voice serious. He giggled. “I sound so stupid!” He stood up, his strong muscles not even comparing to my strength. “Come on Tiffany! I want to ride a unicorn!” He jumped on my back, and it took all I could not to scream.

          “I’m not a unicorn Liam!” God he was heavy. My knees shook, and I collapsed face first on the floor. I could feel his abs on my back, and something pressing on my butt. Oh, hell no! He was not horny right now!

          “You’re a purdy girl!” he slurred. He tried to kiss my neck, and I shoved him off. Ok, fuck this. He was drunk out of his mind. Suddenly, his face turned green, and he moaned. Crap crap crap crap. I hooked my hands under his armpits and dragged him to the bathroom, shoving his face into the toilet. Just in time too. He retched, and I scowled as the smell of spirits and puke filled the bathroom. I rubbed his back, looking away as I tried not to puke. I had a deadly fear of seeing or hearing people throw up. Last time I saw someone puke, I ended up crying and hyperventilating.

          He ended up puking for 5 minutes straight, which probably wasn’t good for him. He groaned, leaning his head on the toilet seat. I stood up, and faced towards him.

          “Stay here, else I’ll have to kill you,” I growled.

          “Not moving for a while,” he groaned. I went into the kitchen and cleaned up the split alcohol. I threw away the bottle, and walked quietly into Liam’s room. Louis grumbled as the door squeaked, but thankfully he stayed asleep. I giggled at his sleeping form- he had a stuffed bear?! Dude, this was priceless- almost as priceless as Zayn. Why didn’t I think to bring a camera?!

I sighed, and tip toed over to their wardrobe. I looked in one of them to see stripes. Nope. Next drawer- stripes. And the next…..and the next……and the next……Louis! Stop having so many stripes!

I finally found a drawer with his clothes, all neat and folded up. I grabbed a pair of sweats, a t-shirt, and his toothbrush from the bathroom. I knew it wasn’t Louis’, because it had Buzz on it…Liam Liam Liam. There’s fan, and then there’s fanatic. I walked back to Liam, who hadn’t moved a bit. He was practically a statue.

          “Liam, get up. You need to change, and brush your teeth.” I handed him his brush, and he slowly got up. I watched him carefully as he brushed his teeth. He ignored me, and quickly changed his clothes. Thankfully he had his boxers on, so it wasn’t awkward. Not that I wasn’t drooling when I saw his abs.

          “Come on, let’s get you into bed.” He giggled, but his face was sad. I pulled his arm around my shoulder and started to drag him towards his bedroom.

          “No,” Liam said, stopping me. He pulled me, stumbling towards the living room and dropped onto the couch. He stared at me, and I stared back awkwardly. I tried not to cringe as he breathed onto my face. Mint and alcohol were not a good mix. He suddenly burst into tears and hugged me tightly.

          “I’m sorry!” he cried, his voice still slightly slurred. He sobbed into my shirt, and I patted his back awkwardly. God, I hope he didn’t puke again.

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