Chapter One

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Yawning, I run my fingers through my hair, still getting used to the new light blue color I'd dyed it. Summer break was almost over and my internal clock was so messed up that I'd become nocturnal. My phone start vibrating and I glance at the caller ID. Answering, I brace myself for a string of incoherent words that my best friend Min Ah spewed when she was drunk. "Um, hello?" I look at my phone, confused to why I was hearing a guy's voice. "You're Min Ah's friend, right? Please don't hang up! She passed out from drinking and I called you to pick her up." Standing still, I listen to the guy explain the situation and sigh. There was a sort of undertone in his voice that notified me that he was a demon. "Okay, what's the address?"
Going to the apartment complex that had been specified, I stand in front of the door. Taking a deep breath, I unsheathe my scythe, my mask appearing to cover the upper half of my face. Knocking, I hear someone come to the door. It opens and the demon's eyes widen when they see me. "I'm here for my friend." I state before stabbing his four weak points. He crumbles to dust and I go into the apartment, looking for Min Ah. Something hits my side and I cry out at the pain. There had been two demons. Shit, I'd let my guard down. About to get up, I'm shoved to the floor and he stomps on my wrist, keeping me from lifting my scythe. "It seems like we called the wrong person. Who knew that girl was friends with a-"He stops talking and I watch a blade protrude from his chest. He falls forward and I quickly roll out of the way after cutting his weak points, not wanting to get covered in demon dust. Looking up, I scoff. "Great, a demon reaper." Getting to my feet, I hold my scythe loosely, looking at him. A face mask-like thing covered the bottom of his face and his chocolate colored hair looked so soft I wanted to touch it. Looking down at his clothes, my eyebrow arches at his skater clothes. Finally looking at his scythe, curiosity fills me. It wasn't a normal type with a long staff and one blade. His resembled a katana. "Interesting scythe." I say and he nods. "Right back at you, I didn't think they could be that small." I look down at my dagger-like scythe and shrug. I hear a groan from a room to my right and hurry in, seeing Min Ah passed out on the bed. "Aish, didn't I tell you to stop drinking? I'm taking away your fake ID, got it?!" She doesn't even move, being too out of it to wake up. "Are you registered?" The guy asks, standing in the doorway. "Nope." I sigh, trying to think of a way to get Min Ah home. "But that's illegal. Every reaper needs to be registered! Which clan are you from?" Planting my hands on my hips, I turn to him, my anger starting to rise. "I'm from no clan, got it? I'm not registered because I don't belong to a clan and I'll be forced to join on if I try. Now can you leave?" After a minute of staring at me, he shrugs and leaves. The apartment door slams shut and I drop down onto the bed next to Min Ah. "Why are you so much trouble?" I mutter, looking at her.
Three Weeks Later
"Hana, can I please have my ID back?" Min Ah pleads as I walk to our class. "Aish, here. Just take it." I hand it to her, tired of her whining. She didn't really care where she was going as long as she followed me, so it was up to me to find our class. Eyes on the signs outside each classroom, I point at ours 2-3. "That's us, let's go see if we have assigned seats." Min Ah nods, following me in. My eyes go straight to the board and I groan, there were assigned seats. Finding our seats, I point Min Ah to hers and go to mine that was in the back next to the window. Hanging my bag on the hook on the side of my desk, I look around the class, only seeing a few people here. Glancing over at Min Ah, I see her already talking to the girls that sat around her. It was normal, she was more open and nice to people than I was. Plugging my headphones into my phone, I put them in my ears and sit back, listening to one of my loud playlists. Closing my eyes, I put my feet up on my desk and wait for class to start.
Jolting awake, I hear the warning bell and nearly jump out of my chair as someone drops down into the seat next to me. Pulling out my earbuds, I look over at him and he glances over at me. "Hi, I'm Jeon Jungkook, I guess we're seat partners for now." He nods and I slowly bring my feet to the ground and hiss at the numbness. "Yeah, I'm Jang Hana." He nods and I move my legs, trying to get feeling back into them. Shoving my hair out of my face, I'd forgotten that I'd dyed my hair back to black yesterday. The class suddenly floods with students as everyone is in their seats when the bell rings. A woman comes in and stands at the teacher's desk. "Hello class, I'm Cha seonsaengnim. I'll be your homeroom teacher for the year. Each of you introduce yourself, starting from the front." By the time it got to us, most of the class period was over. Jungkook stands up and says "I'm Jeon Jungkook, please take care of me." He's about to sit down when the teacher says "Jungkook-ah, what school did you come from again?" I stare at her. Teachers weren't supposed to talk to students without honorifics, and if they did, they weren't supposed to get that personal. He looks uncomfortable, so I stand up and grab his shoulder, making him sit down. "I'm Jang Hana." The disappointment is clear on her face but she moves on to introducing what we're doing this semester. "Thanks." Jungkook mutters and I nod, pulling out a pen and doodling around my tattoo. First period is finally over and I get to my feet, stretching. Min Ah didn't seem to want to come over to talk to me, so I guess I'd just listen to music for the break. "Jungkook!" I look over at the classroom's back door and see a guy standing there, beckoning at Jungkook. "Oh right! Sorry Maru, I'm coming." He quickly gets up and goes up to the guy. Staring at the guy, I realize why he'd looked so familiar. He was the son of one of the clan chiefs. His eyes flick to me and I stare right back as he looks me over. They leave and I sigh, having to come to school was tiring.
"Hana, I'm staying after today, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Min Ah calls as the last bell rings and I wave her remark away. I knew what was happening. We'd be friends anywhere but school. Slipping my earbuds in my ears, I grab my bag and leave. Waiting for the bus, I look around and I blink. Jungkook was with the four heirs to the other four reaper clans. My music suddenly stops and my ringtone blasts in my ears, causing me to flinch, quickly turning it down and answering it. "Hello?" I ask as the bus pulls up. "Hana, what are you doing?" Confused, I sit down and answer. "I'm on the way home, what's wrong?" Dad never called me when he knew what I was doing after school. "Today you can't come home. I'll call you when you can come, but you can't come home right now. I have to go, have fun with your friends." He quickly hangs up and I stare at my phone in disbelief. "Aish, what the hell. What do you mean don't come home, huh?! You crazy old man." "Something wrong?" I whirl around to see all five of the boys sitting in the seats behind me. Jungkook waves a little, looking embarrassed. "Should there be?" I ask, glancing outside at where the bus had stopped, my stop. "Well, you were cussing at your phone." Myung Ho shrugs and I sigh. "What's wrong? Don't have a place to sleep?" BamBam asks and I cover my face with my hands. "You don't?" He asks and I nod. "I guess I'll just spend the night at an arcade or something." "We can help you!" I stare at him and he quickly shakes his head. "Not like that. Our families are kind of rich and we live in a humongous mansion. We can let you use a room there." "Can I?" I ask, not sure that the clans would like it if some unregistered reaper slept there. The boys didn't know I was unregistered or that I was even a reaper, but it made me nervous to think about what they would do if they found out. "Yeah, it's fine. Clan 1 has a few empty rooms." The boys assure me and I feel kind of horrible asking them to do this for me. "This is our stop, let's go."

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