Chapter Seven - Shit Day

Start from the beginning

"Well. Get out" He growled pushing me and chucking my clothes out after me. I slammed the door as he sped off and gathered my stuff.

Once I was decent I made my way up to the main road and called Melissa. I listened and listened to the sound of repetitive ringing until it was replaced with my bestfriends familiar voice. 

"Robyn!! Where the fuck are you??" 

"Er..." I looked around "the interstate"

"Why you there?" 

"Chris left me here. Er can you come, come get me please Melly?"

"On my way just wait for me kay?" 

I hummed in response just staring at the ground. After all this time I still can never find a way to recess how Chris can hurt me. He used to love me so so much. And I loved him too. And sadly I still do. That sucks I know! But I dont want anyone but him. He can be so good to me, but then again he can treat me like shit... It's a balance really, if you think about it. If I don't put him in situations where he has to teach me shit then he wouldn't have to hurt me. I just need to listen more. Yeah. I should listen to him.

I leant against the rail thing and waited for Mel, she was taking her sweet ducking time though. But she soon arrived and hurriedly shoved me in the car. We drove home in absolute silence and when we got to hers it was pretty much the same.

"I need a drink


Another six shots of vodka my phone began ringing, it was Aubrey, fuck I craved him so bad. I fumbled around for a moment or two before answering the call. Act sober Robyn act sober...

"Hello??" I slurred and face palmed at my attempt to talk normally when I'm pissed ad

"Hey Rih are you home?" He asked frantically 

"Yeah I just walked in"  I replied slurring slightly less

"Good. you alright?" He said avascently 

"Yeah I'm good you still working?" I know he probably heard bout Chris an I

"Nah, not anymore. What have you been up to?"

"Tonight, right now?" I asked in my confused and child like tone

"Yeah, did you go out?" He said with a slight sigh I may be drunk but I can still tell when he's annoyed  

-'Did I go out?' yeah, I went out, I went, I went to a couple of clubs I never went to bed." I mockingly copied him and scoffed 

"Have you had a cold drink? Like other than alcohol tonight?" He laughed

"Shit... wine or water erm" I looked at the glass in my hand 

"Did you say something about a cold drink?" I said now giving him my fullest attention 

"Wait! Robyn!!" I heard him yell before I hung up.

Fuck sake. He always has to ruin shit. I was happy being ignorant to what happened earlier. Fuck him. I answered my now ringing phone:

"what Aubs?" I grudgingly slurred

"Did he hurt you?!!" He asked point blank, which felt like I was being stabbed in my heart as a lump in my throat grew to the point I was now sobbing just thinking about it.


"Yes" I whispered now crying more audibly 

"Where are you??"

"At Melissa's"

"I'm coming to get you"

"No Aubs-" I groaned knowing he wasn't listening as the phone went dead. I decided to forget about the whole conversation as I wiped my tear stained cheeks and downed another shot of vodka. I couldn't be putting up with this shit. 

"Cmon we're going to bed Babes" Melissa sighed pulling me up from the sofa shortly after I chucked myself down

"I'm not in the mood" I groaned slurring every vowel 

"You should be so fucking lucky" she laughed helping me up the stairs

"You're so sweet Melly. You always take care of me! I love you so much" I smiled as she dropped me on my usual bed

As I laid in bed I rolled myself up in the duvet and looked out at the stars until I was asleep. Well until I fall asleep. Stars are so fucking pretty, and so god damn confusing. Like how the fuck can anything!! Anything be that stunning day in day out... Wait. No. Lemme rephrase that cuz stars aren't out at night. I laughed at myself for a shameful ten minutes... I know, I know. That's when I heard a bang on the front door and Melissa cussing as she went to answer it and Aubrey's voice boomed up the stairs. But fuck him the cunt ruining my fucking vibe. Anyway as I was saying, I let out a small giggle, how the fuck can something be so stunning every god damn night?? Like seriously!! 

I heard the door creek open and Aubrey's voice whisper "Robyn?" And all too willingly I turned round to greet him with a nice big grin before the piercing pain in my cheek reminded me of the probable state of my face thanks to that bastard of a boyfriend.

"Shit, go away Aubrey" I turned away and was now covered from head to toe by my duvet. I bit my lip as I felt him just stand there and look at me "Well if you're here we may as well fuck" I smirked 

"How drunk are you??" He laughed getting in MY bed 

"That doesn't matter. What matters is I'm horny as fuck" I pulled at his shirt as I straddled him


"Papi?" I smirked leaning down to nibble his ear "so am I fucking you or you fucking me"

"You're drunk so no ones fucking anyone" he groaned as I moved my hips up and down his papiconda 

"Just fuck me Papi..." I paused to concentrate a bit better on my hip movements as I felt his erect member rubbing against me "please" I whined 

"Well you're gonna have to beg for it" he growled letting a small whimper fall out of my mouth as I tried to collect myself again

"I can't, Papi just fuck me" I rolled my hips exaggeratedly 

"Not good enough baby" he purred grabbing my ass tightly guiding me


"That'll do"

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