"Why isn't it here?" i asked, already knowing what he was going to say.

"Because you left it at your other man's house and he drove you home," he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Wow, you caught me red handed!" i said with sarcasm. He punched me and grabbed me by my shoulders.

"Stop talking back!" he said, "and tell me who you have been with!"

"I haven't been with anyone besides you!" i said. He pushed me. I fell over.

"Yes you have. Otherwise, that thing wouldn't be here," he said, pointing at Georgie.

"You know, he has a name," i said.

He punched me again.

"You need to learn to shut up," he said.

He threw his weed at me.

"I know he's not my son. He looks nothing like me," he said.

He walked over to a shelf that held pictures of Georgie. I had made it as a little thing for him when he was born. He started knocking over the pictures, causing the frames to break.

"No, baby please! Those were my dad's frames!" i cried. He didn't stop. He soon just knocked every last one off all at the same time. I ran over to them to see if any were unbroken. None were.

"Are you kidding me? Do you not know how much these frames meant to me?" i asked. Terrell punched me again. This time it was right in the nose. I clutched it in pain.

"So who's his father?" he asked.

"You...are..." i replied. He punched me in the nose again.

"Stop lying to me! Who is the father? Was it the man from the first floor who is always checking you out? Or is it that man who you were checking out at the grocery store last week?" he asked.

"You are the father," i said, starting to cry. He punched me again, this time in the jaw. He picked up the pictures of Georgie and took something out of his pocket. It was a lighter.

"No, please! Don't do it! Those are the only pictures i have of him from when he was a little baby!" i pleaded. He lit the lighter and held it to the pictures. They caught on fire. I ran over to him and tried to stop the fire that was raging on the pictures but he held them above his head so i couldn't reach them. He laughed as i tried to reach them. When he knew they were too damaged to be kept, he threw it down on the floor. I sobbed over the ashes.

"That's it! I'm taking Georgie, and i'm leaving you!" i yelled.

His demeanour changed. He looked even more scary than usual.

"Your leaving me? You and Georgie?" he asked, sounding confused.

"Y-yes!" i yelled.

"Where will you stay, huh? At your boyfriend's house?" he asked.

"I don't care! I'm leaving!" i screamed again. I went into my room and began to pack my things.

"Are you sure you want to leave?" asked Terrell from what sounded like the living room.

"Yes!" i yelled.

"Well, maybe this can make you change your mind," he said.

What was he talking about? Suddenly, i heard a cry. A baby cry. Georgie!

I ran out the room and looked around.

"Georgie!" i screamed. As i scrambled around the apartment, i abruptly stopped in the living room. What i saw was probably any mother's worst nightmare. The doors to the small balcony in the living room were open. On it was Terrell, hanging Georgie over the edge by his arm.

I freaked out and ran towards them.

"Come any closer and i'll drop him," said Terrell. I stopped and looked down. We were about 4 stories up. If he dropped him, there would be no way he would survive.

"Yeah, you don't want to leave me now, do you?" he asked.

"Terrell, calm down," i said.

"Don't call me Terrell!" he yelled. "And calm down? How in the hell am i supposed to calm down when i know my fiance is cheating on me?!"

"I'm sorry! I will never cheat again. I'm so sorry," i said.

If i couldn't make him believe that i didn't cheat, i guess i would just have to say i did.

"You won't?" he asked.

"No! Never again!" i said.

He looked like he was calming down. I looked down again and noticed a crowd growing below.

"Well that's good. Maybe we could start all over," he said.

"Yes! Yes we could! But first, you need to give me Georgie," i said.

He looked at Georgie who was squirming and screaming his head off.

"But he will just remind me of how you weren't loyal," he said sounding angry again.

"Please, i'll give him up for adoption. Just let him go!" i said.

"Adoption would be too much work," he said.

"Please baby, just let him go," i said.

"Let him go?" he asked.

"Yes, please," i said.

A huge smile grew across his face.

"Okay. Yeah, i'll let him go."

He dropped Georgie.

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