I pulled on some clothes and flung my lap across the room. I punched the wall leaving a dent in it. I heard a baby cry an ran down the hall. "Elise?" I opened a door, there stood Molly and Calen with their daughter in hand. I gave them an apologetic smile before leaving to look for Elise.

I say outside of Elise's room and waited. Some time later Calen came and sat by me. I had my head in my hands as I thought of the worst. "It's gonna be okay man, she's a fighter." Calen spoke quietly. I nodded my head and took a deep breath in.

"Alpha, you can come in now." A nurse said smiling. I stood up and practically ran into the room. I heard Calen laughing from behind me as a walked in. A very tired looking Elise smiled up at me as she held, not one but two babies.

"Hey babe." She said weakly. I walked over to the bed and picked up one of the babies, "that's Keegan." I smiled down at her.

"What about her?"

"Him, I though we should both pick." My smile widened. I have a son!

"How about Parker?"

"I love it." She smiled and played with his feet grinning. I smiled down at Keegan, she started to cry and I frowned. "she's just hungry." Elise said smiling at me as she took Keegan into her arms and handed me Parker.

"Where were you?" She asked quietly.

"They wouldn't let me in."

"No, before I got here."

"I was upset, I thought you were rejecting me in a way. I was in the woods, I actually ran into some people."

"Who?" She asked curiously.

"You dad and mom... And Jack."

"Where are they? I don't want them here."

"They are out there somewhere." I said jerking my head towards the door. She sighed as a nurse came and took the babies.

"You need to rest." Elise nodded and pulled the thin sheet up. I quickly crawled in next to her when the nurse left.

"I love you." I whispered as she started to drift off to sleep.

"I love you more."

"I love you most," I teased.

"Not possible." She breathed and she fell asleep.


Elise's POV

I woke up to voices outside the door. I could faintly hear arguing before a woman jumped on my bed. "You're the Alpha's mate right?"

"Yeah...?" I said sounding unsure. This girl had blonde hair with colorful streaks, I knew I knew her from somewhere but couldn't put my finger on it.

"I'm his ex.. We met at the house, sorry about that by the way."

"Oh, it's okay." I said yawning "can I help you?"

"That Jack guy... I think he's my mate."


"Yeah, I don't know what I should do. Alpha Michael won't let anyone near him."

"Why not?"

"He says he's a bad guy." She said shrugging.

"Where are they?"

"Outside the door."

"Michael!" I shouted a little. The door flung open and a worried looking Michael came in. I saw Jack and his eyes darkened as he looked at the girl on the bed.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Where are the babies?"

"Elise..." He whined. I knew I had interrupted an important meeting for him. I gave him a look and he told the girl, apparently named Hayley, to leave and escort Jack to his room. She smiled broadly and walked over to Jack who possessively placed his arms around her waist.

"Are they..?" He started

"Yes they are." I smiled. He came over to me and wrapped his arms around my small body.

"They are really beautiful, just like their mom."

"They are. I want to marry you, I get it now. You didn't want it to seem like we were getting married just because if the kids, but you wanted us together before the came. I shouldn't have let my dad stop me. I love you, I don't know what I would do without you."

"I don't want to think about what life would be without you. You are my everything Elise." My heart fluttered at his words and I grinned. I leaned forward and kissed him. He immediately wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer and asked for entrance, which I gave.

We pulled away some time later, both of us smiling. This is my mate, Michael. And I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.


I'm sorry, actually I really am but that is the end of this book. I know that there were a lot of things left open and as an author I give you permission to wonder and make up the ending you want. There WILL be another book from one of the kid's views. I'm not sure if its gonna be Parker or Keegan. Just so you know, Molly and Calen's daughter's name is Megan Joy. Keegan is Keegan Rae and Parker is Parker Andrew. I don't know if I mentioned this before but Michael's last name is Blake. I know Keegan isn't a very girls name but I love it.

I will be writing soon, I promise. This is the last chapter though, I know it's choppy and long but I have some ideas for my next book I jut didn't want to forget! I'm on my iPod (Go figure) so editing will be done later. Maggie and Elise's Dad did meet the kids, Maggie is Elise's dad's true mate. Not her mother! I know that this is all confusing, sorry about that. Well I really hope y'all enjoyed this book, it's the first I've ever finished! VOTE COMMENT AND FAN! Xoxo ~Claire Davis

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