"You didn't tell me he was there." I said

"It's not important." Hunter said finally meeting my gaze

It is important when the man who tried killing him is in the same town where he was band, I wanted to argue but stopped myself remembering the three pairs of eyes on us. We'll talk about it later. As if reading my thoughts Hunter nodded just as I felt a warm breath brush against my ear.

"Do you know why I was there?" Holden asked in a low whisper I barely heard but before I could answer he spoke again "For the same reason he was-"

Before Holden could finish his sentence Hunter was up on his feet now with his fists clenching the front of Holden's crisp clean blue polo shirt as he slammed him hard against the top of her table and on our dinner. Lowering his face to Holden's I heard a deep growl rumbling from his chest as he revealed his white slightly sharp edged teeth merely inches from his face.

Jumping to my feet I wrapped my arms around his shoulders tugging Hunter back.

"He's not worth it." I cooed into his ear spotting my dad standing up ready to intervene if I could handle him

"But I'll enjoy ripping him apart with my bare hands." Hunter said throw clenched teeth

"And you expect me to believe your innocent." Holden chuckled but it didn't hide the hint of fear in his words

Releasing another deep growl Hunter lifted him up and slammed Holden against the table causing the wine to stain Holden's dirty blonde hair.

"I didn't do it." Hunter hissed lifting his fist up ready to slam it into Holden's face

Noticing the twitch of his knuckles I rose onto the tips of my toes so he could hear me "Hunter don't." I whispered

Hesitantly I placed my hand over his closed fist and lowered it, spotting Holden's fearful expression as he watched Hunter very slowly retreat. When there was a good few feet between them I stood in front of Hunter while keeping our hands clasped together.

"Are you crazy? That's the alpha you just attacked." my dad boomed sternly as he helped Holden stand up

Ignoring my dad I whipped my head to Holden struggling to control the urge to wrap my hands around his neck.

"What ever it is that you have to say I don't want to hear it Holden." I said in a neutral calm voice

My mom held a table cloth in her hand as she cleaned the food off his head and tried as best as she could to clean off his clothes.

"Oh dear I'm so sorry." my mom apologized causing me to roll my eyes at her sucking up

Brushing my mom aside with a grunt Holden glared down at the arm that was around my waist pressing me flush against a solid wall of muscle.

"He's a monst-"

Pointing an accusing finger at him I shook my head interrupting him "Don't you dare utter that word or I will finish what he began." I threatened

I heard numerous gasps echoing through out the restaurant at the clear threat I just issued against their alpha but I could careless about the scene I am making or the trouble I'll get in later.

"Aubrey that's no way to talk to Holden especially since Hunter jumped on him like some sort of beast." my mom scolded

Behind me I felt Hunter tense with the harsh label my mom so carelessly put on him knowing none of what he does is his fault since it was the serum my dad made that caused the so called 'beast' to kill so mercilessly.


My veins were pumping with pure rage as I stared at my mom with disbelief. She has the nerve to call Hunter a beast when no one has cared to give him a chance or even put themselves in his shoes for a second. Sparing a glance at my dad I wasn't shocked to see him supporting my mom since he hates the fact that Hunter is my mate, the killing machine he created is with his daughter he has said many times before.

To think they once supported our relationship, I thought.

Venomous comebacks were floating in my head, all I wanted to do was scream at them. Everyone for that matter. Looking around at the large crowd that I didn't realize formed around us, no of them know what their talking about.

Shaking my head in disgust I couldn't even bring myself to look at my parents as I reached for my clutch. Tossing some cash onto the table Hunter helped me put my jacket on with the many eyes glued on us.

"Honey I didn't mean..."

"Save it." I spat so darkly as I walked out with Hunter at my side ignoring my mom's pleas for me to come back

Stepping out into the chilly night I lowered my face further into my jacket as the bitter wind nipped at my cheeks. Stepping into Hunter's sleek white as snow Lexus I folded my arms over my chest not daring to say a single word as he pulled away from the restaurant.

The ride back to my apartment was silent and awkward as I searched for the right words to apologize for what happened tonight. For the way my parents treated him with the unnecessary questions than Holden coming in as the ass he is not to mention my mom's cruel name she gave him. How could I even began to apologize for their behavior?

As the car rolled to a stop in front of my apartment I turned to Hunter who had his jaw clenched tightly as he stared ahead at nothing in particular. The hardness to his soft green eyes indicated the level of anger he was bottling up inside for my sake.

If they weren't my parents he wouldn't have held back on them.

"Hunter..." I began but my voice fell not knowing what exactly to say

After a short pause he stepped out of the car slamming his door shut, wincing I watched as he came to my side of the car and opened the door for me. Sighing internally at the lack of eye contact I stepped out, pulling out my keys and walked into the building aware of the large figure behind me. Walking up the stairs I wondered why he was still following me if he isn't planning to speak.

Purposely slowing my steps so he would stay a little bit longer but eventually I reached the floor of my apartment. Pausing at the beginning of the hallway I turned around with my heart twisting at the painful expression on his face, his eyes looking ahead as he was lost in his thoughts or memories.

As much as I dreaded this conversation I can't stand to leave him like this. Broken and drowning in the past.

"Good night." he said his voice dull with no emotion and that was what undid me

Tossing my arms around his shoulders I pressed against him resting my ear by his heart I heard the quick pulse that I loved. Gripping his suit jacket in my hands I pulled him lower so we were leaning into each other.

"I'm so sorry." I blurted when I felt him pull back from me "They didn't mean it." I said excusing my parents

He just stood there unmoving with his arms at his sides not bothering to hug me back, instead he seemed to be turning away.

"Yes they did." he finally spoke his voice flat with no emotion

Placing his hands flat against my shoulders he jerked me away as if I was burning him. Confused at his actions I searched his blank expression for some sort of indication to what he was feeling but I saw nothing which was what frightened me.

Loving A BeastWhere stories live. Discover now