CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE: Excited, Yet Nauseated

Start from the beginning

"I don't know where to begin," Cynthia said, admiring the beautiful gowns around us.

"How about picking a color?" Just as I reached for a raspberry silk gown, I recognized one of the other customers as none other than Sloane Davis, decked out in silver and snobbery. "Hello. How has your carriage been working?" I asked pointedly.

Sloane's nostrils flared, but her eyes flickered to the woman behind her, probably a client she didn't want to upset. "Fine, thank you. How is Maud? She looked quite distressed when I saw her yesterday."

"I guess that's what happens when you care about your work and don't creep around trying to sabotage other people," I replied.

At that moment, Sloane's client turned to look at me and I recognized the youngest of the twelve dancing princesses of Viridian. "Hi, Noelle. I thought I knew that voice!" she exclaimed.

"Princess Rebecca," I said, stunned. "Don't tell me you're her client?"

"I am," she said in a tired voice. "Well, I'm her trainee's client, but Jessaline's been busy, so Sloane is helping me prepare for the ball."

I glanced at Sloane, who seemed to be avoiding my eyes. "I didn't know trainers could do their trainees' work," I remarked.

"My intern is performing disciplinary duties to make up for the unfortunate carriage misunderstanding, thanks to your precious Maud," Sloane said, her cold eyes flashing.

I nodded slowly. Maud had reported the sneaky carriage swap to headquarters, and it seemed that Jessaline had taken the blame for it. How convenient, now that it placed the responsibility of sending a client to the ball on Sloane's more experienced shoulders.

"Finding a future husband at this thing is crucial. I'm sick of my sisters' drama," Rebecca explained. She rolled her eyes when I asked how Rosamond and Peter were doing. "We haven't heard from them since the wedding, but I bet they're just as disgustingly lovey-dovey as ever."

"We should go, Your Highness. Lots to do," Sloane interrupted, with a scathing look at me before she swept out of the shop.

"Nice catching up with you, Noelle. Good luck finding a dress," Rebecca said, glancing enviously at Cynthia, who was laughing at something the shopkeeper had said.

Ms. Azalea beamed when I joined them. "So you are the fairy godmother of this beautiful young woman. She tells me you've got quite an eye for fashion, but allow me to lend my expertise."

The next few hours went by in a blur of silk, satin, and ribbons. Cynthia may have been indecisive about going out into the world, but thankfully, she was not when it came to selecting gowns. She chose an off-the-shoulder gown in midnight blue silk, tightly fitted at the waist with a wide bell-shaped skirt. I approved, thinking how well it would go with the glass slippers, though she hadn't tried them on yet.

For myself, I chose a much simpler dress in pale gold, since it wouldn't matter to anyone how I looked.

When we were finally done, it only took Cynthia a few extra minutes to step into the street. She looked pleased with herself. "Where should we go for accessories?"

"How about the Tented Market?" I asked, and then regretted it the moment I said it. I was with a client. I was supposed to be working, not looking for Kit. But I just needed to see him, even if I couldn't talk to him.

Cynthia nodded before I could suggest something else. "You said you got your pretty necklace there," she said, looking at the shoe charm. "Do you think I could get one too?"

"Definitely something just as pretty," I said, trying to calm myself as we walked. I was glad Kit would see me wearing the necklace, but was it pathetic that I wore it all the time? But he doesn't know I wear it all the time, I thought. Still, would it be better to tuck it in my shirt?

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