How have I been so blind to this? I’ve let Emily suffer for weeks because of my own ignorance.

Suddenly something dawns on me.

“You talked to Emily, didn’t you?” I say at last, afraid of the answer.

Dad didn’t even squirm or look uncomfortable. He just said, “I may have said a thing or two, yes. It was nothing undeserved though. She is a selfish and very immature girl.”

I don’t even want to know what he said, I think I know. Especially after what I said in Zurich. The only thing I’m certain of is that we are history. I don’t need a father, especially one like him.

Glaring at my father, I can feel my anger levels rising with every breath. He seems to shrink under my gaze and all I can think of is that all this time he has been taking me for a ride in an attempt to ruin what Emily and I have, or had. And he almost succeeded!

This is what makes me angry most. The fact that he has purposely intimidated Emily so that she feels completely worthless is just not on!

“You know something?” I say in a calm voice that shocks even me. “I don’t want anything else to do with you. I’ve wanted answers for so long and deep down I hoped that maybe I was wrong about you but I realise now I’ve been fooling myself. Seeing you has proven you haven’t changed. Not only did you drive my mother to suicide, you had the nerve to ruin any happiness I might have with Emily. If you think I’m ever going to forgive you for this then you better think again. From this moment on I am never speaking to you again. I don’t care anymore what you think of me, nor do I care what you say or do because you’re no one to me.”

My anger starts to subside as I realise what I need to do. I’ve been blinded by my bastard of a father for too long. My initial intention was not to ignore him but I realise now that I need to. It’s the only way to get any sort of normality back in my life with Emily. I really need to make it up to her once and for all.

Looking at Dad one last time I expect him to say something, an apology, anything but there’s nothing. Just a worthless old man feeling sorry for himself, a man who used to be my father but is now a stranger to me.

With that I turn and leave his room, finally feeling like my old self again. It’s time to make amends once and for all.

~~ Emily’s POV ~~

What a predicament to be in.

I’m tied to a chair, courtesy of Jason and Nancy. They’re both standing in front of me with stupid grins on their faces, enjoying every single moment of my discomfort. If I wasn’t sitting down right now I’d be punching their lights out.

Nancy winks at me. “Really, Em? You couldn’t hate me if you tried. Seriously, this won’t be so bad.”

“Then why have you tied me up?”

“Because you won’t listen otherwise. Now shut your mouth and let us talk otherwise we will gag you.”

They both sit down on the two dining chairs opposite me and I feel like a kidnap victim. I’ve tried to free myself from my ties but it seems Nancy has a talent for tying knots. Now I’m panting from exertion and feeling extremely vulnerable.

Seriously though, what right do they have to force their opinions on me? Why can’t they just listen to what I have to say?

Not wanting to be gagged, I don’t say anything. It’s bad enough being tied to a chair.

“Fine.” I say in defeat. “Just start talking.”

Jason folds his arms over his chest and smiles. “Now that’s better. Right so let’s touch on the first issue. Nancy?”

Book Two - Just Enjoying My Life.... Right? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now