'Ye alright Dan?' Glen asked while leading me to my bedroom.

'Perfect! This is great. I love this. You are my best friend Glen, thank you.' Apparently I'm the loving one when I'm drunk. I also tend to get louder than usual.

'Alright then. I'm going now Dan, see ye tomorrow in the studio.'

'Bye Glenny!!!!' I shouted at him while he walked out and closed the door. I was now all alone, and drunk. It was at this moment I decided calling Laurs, it was a great idea. It was a Friday morning at 2 am and she had school, but of course I did it anyways. The voice picking up the phone was everything but happy.

'Dan, what the hell are you doing?! It's 2 am and I have school, you know that...' She said angrily. She had a reason too as well, I just wasn't thinking in this drunk state.

'I just wanted to hear yer voice, it's so beautiful!' I slurred down the phone. I could hear her sigh on the other end.

'Dan, are you drunk right now?'

'Yes I am, and I love it! I'm so happy!'

'Well I'm glad at least one of us is happy right now, cause I'm not.'

'Don't be mad Laurs, I just wanted to talk.'

'Can we please do this another time? I'm really tired and I have to get up in less than 5 hours.'

'Okay, but I miss you.'

'I miss you too, now good night.' She was about to hang up, but I stopped her.


'Now what?!' Okay now she was really mad.

'I just wanted to tell you that I think I love you.'


'Thinking about it, I definitely I love you Laurs, now good night!' I hung up the phone and threw it aside not giving it more thought. I took off my shoes and jacket. Then I stripped down to my boxers and went to bed. I fell asleep almost instantly. I knew I was in for a rough day tomorrow.

The next day I woke up with a massive headache. And to be honest, what happened after I got home this morning was a blur. I can't really remember, and knowing myself I probably shouldn't find out. I got out of bed and into my barely used kitchen. I took a few painkillers with water. My mouth was dry like a desert right now and I craved some greasy food. That meant I had to take a shower and get ready to face the world. I stepped in the shower and stood there for a while in the heat before stepping out and wrapping a towel around my waist. Then I pulled some clothes out from my wardrobe and got dressed. I didn't feel like doing my hair so I just picked a beanie on the way out and locked my front door.

Lauren's POV

I had been at school since 8am this morning, it was now almost 12. All I felt like doing was going home and sleep, but that wasn't happening in a million years. I still had two more double lessons before I could leave this place. And for those of you who wonder, yeah I'm friends with the gang again. As predicted they came to their senses and it's forgotten, well almost at least.

'Come on Laurs, stay awake. You really look like you're gonna fall asleep on that bench.' Sophie said.

'Stating the obvious I hear.' I said sleepily.

'You need to go to bed earlier Laurs.'

'I did last night, promise. I went to bed at 10, but then someone called me at 2 am and after that I couldn't sleep for another hour at least.'

'Well that someone must have really put some thoughts into your head. When you want to sleep there's not much keeping you awake.' Joanna said. Sophie looked at me and smiled. I had told Sophie that Dan and I were good friends and that we talked every day. It was all she was gonna know for now.

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