Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Once again, it was the World Conference, I don’t know why we still have it, nobody does any work in there, by the end of every single meeting, and there are always more problems than the start of the meeting. And anyway, there is always France, that frog annoys me so much; he, the one that flirts with everyone in sight. I hate him.

Like a normal world conference, France was flirting with everyone- including me, Italy was Pasta-ing, Russia was smiling; China was being mature, Canada being invisible and everybody else just like themselves. A typical meeting…

Damn me for not noticing that America wasn’t there. I didn’t know how I didn’t notice that, it was always him, starting with his random saving the world talk which would never work in real situations, but the thing was, I didn’t.

Anyway, it was the World Conference and everybody was like the usual selves. I stood up and cleared my throat.

‘Right, I think we should start with our most important issue right now, global warming.’ They groaned, nobody likes to talk about global warming but it has to be done.

‘I think that we should use my idea, to stop using cars and pick up our axes and start farming.’ Russia smiled, he turned to Latvia. ‘Don’t you agree, Latvia?’

‘Yes, of course Mr Russia.’ Latvia said in his small voice, nobody dares to oppose Russia, not even I, ever since he broke my Busby’s chair.

‘Well, of course it is the best idea because otherwise I would have killed it. So let’s pick up our axes!’

‘Uh… Maybe we should listen to other people’s ideas first.’ Japan hesitated, I looked from Japan to Russia, Russia, once again smiled and nodded.

‘Of course.’

‘I think that we should stop eating unhealthy food and all start to drink tea to decrease the carbon footprint and to stop global warming.’ I started, eyeing France.

‘I disagree with England.’ France smirked. God, do I want to smash his face.

‘Do you never agree with me on anything, France? Your points and aspects never work and you’d better stop your people going on strike every single day before you start opposing me.’ I shouted and then it started again, just like every other fight.

I simply zoomed out of other conversations and focused on the fight. I didn’t know when Canada went out of the room until Germany-

‘Everyone shut up!’ Always Germany, the one that stops all fights.

‘Germany?’ Both France and I said, screw him.

Of course, we obeyed Germany and sat back to our seats so did everyone else, the room was quiet except the usual snore from Greece, that is when I noticed that something was wrong. America wasn’t here.

‘Wait, where is America?’ I asked.

‘Probably caught up in watching or making his films at home or an alternative approach would be that he is currently eating hamburgers.’ France answered; I rolled my eyes and nodded to him civilly his eyes met my eyes and he nodded, noting a peaceful agreement that says ‘I’ll deal with you later.’

‘Vhy don’t anyone pay attentions to our real problem?’ Germany shouted again, I winced at his voice, the only one that probably wouldn’t would be Russia, he the one that smiles creepily all the time. ‘Now is everyone here except America?’

My eyes scanned around the room noting anyone who isn’t here when I came upon an empty seat, most people would just assume that nobody is absent but when I saw seat, I knew something was wrong, and so, did France. He coughed purposely  and met my eyes, he noticed the empty seat as well, a list of countries went through my head and I tried to remember who isn’t here, I stopped at the name ‘Canada’ and looked around, sure enough he wasn’t here though I remembered him sitting there earlier.

France mouthed the word Canada to me and I knew he realised that as well, that creepy frog. I stood up and headed toward the door, and so did he with rest of the countries staring in confusion, I hurried to the door nearly torn it off its hinges and walked off with France at my tail.

‘Now vhat do you think you are doing? Vhy do you never take this seriously?’ Germany shouted angrily, I ignored him and simply went off.

‘Something happened, Canada was here earlier.’ France said. He the one that thinks nobody else has brains… I, of course, being in my typical mood, did not answer him and walked even faster, the World Conference Block is huge, there is no way we were going to find Canada, though I didn’t know why would he disappear in the meeting, he is always there, listening to other people, try to comment but never get the chance, I doubt many people remembers his name, poor kid.

We turned left and we turned right, looking through all of the rooms for Canada, France of course was calling for Canada while I, using the far more effective way, was really looking for him. That is when I came across a ball. Well, it wasn’t a ball really, it was somebody curled into a ball, whether because that the person is cold or of other reasons, I was about to bend down to talk to that person when France said. ‘Canada? Is that you?’

And sure, the head lifted up and Canada’s eyes came staring at us, France bent down and patted Canada and for the first time in my whole entire life; ‘Canada, are you okay?’ he asked softly. Canada’s eyes were teary and his face pale, that was America a few days ago, ill and sick in the bathroom.

‘America…’ Canada started; he turned his head weakly and looked at me in the eyes. ‘He wanted to tell you—’

But he didn’t finish, the ground suddenly shook powerfully, with no time to keep balanced, I fell down to the floor doing what needed to do when you are in an Earthquake, we were all trained, mainly by those that have frequent earthquakes, aka Japan, China and America, probably the only thing that America is a little bit better than me. But even then that is not compared to the real earthquakes, even from a long way I could hear Italy’s voice, panicking and screaming while Japan and a few others tried to calm everybody down, then with one last shook, the ground became steady again.

I looked up from where I was standing, France was on the ground opposite me, he stood up, still a little shaken but walked to Canada and kneeled down. He put his hand against Canada’s forehead, ‘Canada?’ No response, Canada’s face was now grey. France met my eyes and I thought: Oh America.


I'm sorry, I am not very experienced with Fanfiction and it proved to be rather difficult for me to right. All criticism welcome!!!!!!

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