Chapter 1

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Hayden Christensen- as Brayden

Chapter 1

Three years ago

"You'll call me when you get there?" Dee's voice is small as we stand outside my now empty house. As much as she's trying to understand and agree that this is the right thing to do I know that she is scared.

And who wouldn't be if I made them be put in this kind of position to keeping a secret from her brother a huge one at that. A child, his child. It was a lot to ask, but I couldn't stay here and have the baby, not when I know how he feels about me. He would ruin me and hate the child. He had to remain a secret until it was time.

That's what scared me the most. Time. I don't know when the time would come for Brayden to know about this baby. I may be running off and hiding but it was only a matter of time when he finds out about having a child. Just the thought made the knot in my stomach squeeze that much more tighter.

"Yeah, I'll call you when we get there." I say just as softly.

Never in my life have I felt so vulnerable then in this moment. I'm leaving my home. My friends. My pack. My mate. The last one scares me the most. I swallow hard as tears start to pool up in my eyes. Seeing my teary eyes and knowing exactly what I was feeling Dee pulls me into a tight hug. Closing my eyes I hold onto her just as tightly.

"You'll come when the baby is born?" I whisper feeling so scared.

"Of course I will." She says her voice shaky. "You have always been there for me when I needed it. You have been strong for me when I was weak." She says pulling back to look at me, tears of her own trailing down her face. "And now I finally get to return the favor. I get to be the strong one for you, to be there when you need it. We are family now." She whispers pulling me into a tight hug as a sob forms on my lips.

"I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'm going to miss you too. You'll see me soon though." She says releasing me just as Scott walks up to us, hands in his pockets.

"Hey now, no tears," He says pulling us both into his strong arms. "Or you're going to have me crying, and I can't have my reputation blown." He says making me laugh shakily.

"And we couldn't have that." I say rolling my eyes.

We don't' say anything as we stand there, Scott's arms around us and staring at the empty home. Empty, that's all I feel inside. Empty because of all the things I'm leaving behind. For the past two years I have fought for control, showing people I have tough skin, that words don't hurt me. But inside, I'm still a teenage girl, I still have insecurities, I still have feelings.

"What if I can't do this?" I whisper as anxiety clings onto me, the thought of being a single mother scaring me. "What if I'm not a good enough mom-?"

"Shh," Scott says as Dee squeezes my hands. "We are going to be with you every step of the way. You aren't alone on this ok."

I look over at him in panic. "Just breathe Sasha, its going to be ok." Dee reassures me as well.

I swallow and go to reply but my mom's voice stops me. "Sasha honey, we have got to get on the road." Mom says softly opening up the trucks door.

I sigh and hold onto Scott and Dee one last time. My heart hammering in my chest as realization slaps me in the face. This is real. I am leaving.

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