Forgetting a loved one.

Start from the beginning

Glad you could accept the deal now let me teleport you to th-

"WAIT! I didn't finish. If...If I do this, then at least let me remember one memory of her!"

Oh! And what would this memory be?

"The memory of her giving me this locket."

Ok then. Now let me welcome you to the SUPER SMASH HIGH MANSION!

Then the voice disappear and I felt my brain being picked at and slowly I forgot about...about...her that red haired girl with beautiful eyes and...and-

Then I heard it

Memories erased: Welcome to smash mansion

Then there I was outside a massive mansion with other people around me. I looked around to see trying to find Link but I gave up then I heard the voice say to me

By the way I got rid of that stupid bond that you and him had so don't worry. you don't have to be around each other

I sighed and looked around my surroundings I saw I was standing on chiselled stone brick pavement with the other people who had joined the mansion. I also looked to the side of the pavement to see a meadow of green grass and a few fountains leading up to the mansion and a few pounds surrounding the area as well.

Then I heard voice not in side my head but a echo of his voice around the mansion

Hello everyone and welcome to super smash high mansion as all of you know you have come here to become stronger and become a God like being. Now please come inside the mansion. You should be greeted to a great hall. In there we will discuss were you'll sleep and how everything will work.

Then the sound of him talking faded and I and everyone else began to walk into the mansion.

In the great hall there was some seats lined up in rows and in front of it there was a show stage red curtain.I went to the back row furthest to the left. As I sat there I heard a few people greeting one another. As I waited for everyone to sit down I saw someone sitting besides me. It was a boy he had white hair and brown eyes he wore a robe it was black on the outside and purple inside he had gold rope to keep the robe on and a light grey shirt under. I could feel a slight hesitation in his movement when he sat next to me. I saw he was going to say something to me but before he could he was cut off by the voice talking to everyone

Ok then lets get everything out of the way. I want all of you to put your hands out in front of you...

I held out my hands and so did everyone else as we did a light beamed from all of are hands and I felt something in one hand and something in the other.

In your left hand you have the name of your roommate and the room number you'll be living in, and in your right you have device. I'll explain the device in a bit but first-

The red curtains went to the sides to reveal some strange creatures standing in a line

Here we have other members that have joined however these creatures need to be cared for I will now the name of the creature you need to get and then your name

Super Smash Mansion [Official Prequel To Into The Smash World]Where stories live. Discover now