Collection of Short Stories

Start from the beginning

One shout caught everyone's attention. "Hey!" Mitch yelled over everyone else. The gym fell almost silent. "Team, on three!" He smiled wide as the rest of his team caught on and returned the grin. "One, two, three!" The eight basketball players shouted, and the crowd all shouted louder than they had before.


a/n HI GUYS! Its Madi, I'm back! Love you all💖


Sitting in silence all night, that's all I could do.  You left me. I thought. I looked towards my nightstand and the only thing I could see was a bright orange bottle full of little pills, it caught my eye for some reason, I'm not sure why.
It was a stormy night, rain, thunder, lightning, That's how it was in my head too... Stormy. How could you leave me when you knew I needed you most I don't understand. I wondered as I got out of bed and walked out to my porch. I looked at my phone it read 2:45 am.
I went straight down the porch steps and laid down in the grass. The cold rain drops pelting my face from every direction, the wind blowing my hair over my eyes. It was cold outside, a little bitter but I liked the way it felt against my skin. I could lay here for hours.
It was now 5:30 the rain hadn't stopped yet, it had only gotten stronger. As the storm outside of me grew, the storm inside of my head got bigger as well. I didn't really know what the storms in my head meant, I mean some people have demons others have different things that represent something based off their life even if they are not aware. As I waked back inside, the word depression stood out in the shallow darkness of my mind. I didn't really pay attention to it, I was  in a fog I just couldn't think straight. I laid down on the couch in my wet cold clothes, I tried to think of positives but all I could think of was how you left me. A warm stream of tears came down my freezing cheeks. It's ok to cry. You can't always pretend to be happy. I thought, as I slowly drifted of into my own world of thoughts and mysterious dreams.

You left me. No. I can't believe you. You hurt me.

A/N: Heeeeeeres Rosie again!

"Preston. C'mon. You've gotta at least ask him to dance!" Mitch whined, pulling at Preston's arm and dragging him towards his crush. "It's not even a slow song!" Preston complained back, but Vikk came from behind him and started pushing him as well. Meanwhile, Brandon ran to the DJ and requested a song he knew Preston loved.

Preston had scrambled out of Mitch and Vikk's grasp and run towards the corner of the gym, away from crowds of other juniors at the second best night of their life. But while Preston was looking back to make sure Mitch and Vikk we're following him, he ran straight into the other person he was avoiding.

"Hey, sorry, I should've been watching where I was walking..." Rob apologized, smiling sheepishly at the other dazed boy. "No," Preston shook his head. "That was my fault, I was running from Mitch and Vikk, they wanted me to dance with..." Preston decided not to finish that sentence. Suddenly, Nate Ruess' "Nothing Without Love" started blasting, and couples took to the floor. "I love this song!" Preston grinned, already humming the tune and looking for his friend Kenny, who also loved the song. It took him a second to realize Kenny was probably on the floor dancing with his boyfriend, Choco. "Well, that means you'll dance with me, right?" Rob took the risk he'd been wanting to take all night. Preston looked at him in shock for a moment before nodding a yes. Rob took Preston's hand and pulled him towards the floor.

After Brandon had fulfilled his task of getting Preston's song to play, he stood by the doors of the gym and overlooked all the people. He was surprised when an arm wrapped around his shoulder. "Hey, cutie. What are you doing alone? You've gotta have someone!" Brandon blushed and looked over, knowing the voice. It belonged to Mat Nuccoraine, the school's rebel and bad boy. Also; Brandon's crush. "Nah," Brandon replied calmly. "I much rather enjoy hooking up my friends with their someone. It's pretty damn fun." Brandon said with a smile. "Well, one down, three to go, eh? I saw Rob and Preston out there. Snuck through the crowd and told Rob he did good with that one." Mat replied, grinning at the sea of people in front of him. "Yeah. I hope they're both happy." Brandon sighed.

"What about you, though, cutie? I know you've got your eyes on me... And quite honestly, I've had my eyes on you..." Mat moved closer to Brandon and to whisper in his ear. "Maybe they're happy, but I want you happy... I could make you happy..." Mat had a huge smirk on his face as Brandon's face grew red. "Fine," Brandon suddenly gained confidence. "Do it." Mat slipped his arm off Brandon's shoulders and took his hand instead, then pulled him out of the gym. "Not in there..." Mat grinned, and pulled Brandon into the bathroom. "Here though..."

Let's just say Brandon and Mat got a bit hot and spicy in that bathroom.

Back at the dance though, Mitch was leaning against the wall, looking for Vikk to talk about the fact that after three years of waiting for it to happen, Preston finally got with Rob. It took Mitch a second to notice that another boy had started to lean beside him. Mitch glanced over, and his heart skipped a beat. He tried to work up the courage to attempt to say something, but the other boy beat him to it. "You're friends with Brandon Hutt, right?" Jerome asked, a small smirk on his face. "Uh, yeah, why?" Mitch replied, trying hard not to stutter. "My boy Mat Nooch just dragged him off into the bathroom. I think they're gonna have a good time." Jerome's smirk grew, and Mitch cheered inside for one of his other best friends getting with their crush. "Well... Good for them. Brandon's been waiting for that." Mitch replied, the small smile on his lips as well. "So's Mat." Jerome answered.
After a minute of awkward silence, Jerome looked over at Mitch again, the boy he'd been wanting to talk to for ages, but didn't have the guts. So what he said next was a big risk. "Hey, Mitch? You wanna, like, maybe get outta here? There's this nice little restaurant I know of downtown, and-" "I'd love to, Jerome." Mitch said with a shy smile. Jerome returned the smile, took Mitch's hand, and together the duo slipped out of the school and into Jerome's car, where they drove off to Jerome's favorite diner, and spent the rest of the night talking and laughing.

Seeing all his other friends happy with another, Vikk also slipped from the gym, but didn't leave the school grounds. Instead, he walked out to the football fields, hopped the gates, and climbed the bleachers. He sat there for a while and looked over the dark field, humming the tune of the song that was blasting all the way from the school. Eventually, because no one was around, he stood up on the benches and started pacing, while quietly singing. He didn't notice the tall blonde boy that had climbed up after him when his back was turned.

"You've got a beautiful voice." Lachlan said, causing Vikk to jump and nearly fall down the bleachers. He caught himself as Lachlan ran over. "Oh god,
I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you like that!" He apologized, grabbing hold of Vikk's arm to steady him further. "It's alright," Vikk chuckled. "And thanks for the compliment." Lachlan smiled. "It's true. Vikk blushed and smiled back. "You've got beautiful eyes." Vikk said, seeing Lachlan's cheeks flush to bring out the bright blue orbs. "Thanks..." The two just stood there, shyly smiling and blushing, Lachlan's hand on Vikk's arm until Lachlan spoke up to give Vikk another compliment. Then, for the rest of the night, the pair sat on the highest row of the bleachers giving each other compliments.

Now if Senior Prom was supposed to be the best night of their lives, and Junior Prom

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