All Of Me Part 17

Start from the beginning

YN: omg.... you're with Jojo now so..... Jojo watch over my baby...(leaves)

Prince: I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that!

Jojo: the hell did you just do?!

Prince: I don't know!

I walked to the park and cried my eyes out. The park seemed so empty. I went to the swings and cried and cried. I felt someone touch my shoulder. I thought it was Ray.


???: um excuse me miss...I understand you're you mind if I ask why?

His voice sounded familiar. I looked up and saw who it was and jumped up to hug him. I kissed him on the cheek and put my head into his chest. It was my friend from 3rd grade, Jesus. He was my best guy friend ever. He put his hand up and down my back, then guided me to his car.


I followed her to the park. I was about to shout her name before I saw her with another guy. She hugged him and kissed him and left with him. She looked back at me, then kept going. This is the girl I love. The girl I fight for. I chased after her and caught her in the car.

YN: Jesus go.

Jesus: he's on the car.

Ray: please yn its not what u think! She kissed me and I tried to push her off!

YN: and I wasn't mad about that. Until that split second you kissed her back!!

Ray: I know and I'm sorry. It was a mistake. I love you. I need you to stat safe with me.

Jesus: um excuse Mitch I'm safe!

Ray: (looks at him then back at u)Liyah needs you.

YN: I told Jojo to watch over her. You kissed another girl and Prince acted like I was a total stranger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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