Harry then collapsed onto the floor and it all happened so fast I couldn't process anything. I rushed down to him on the floor. He held his shaking hands in front of his face, staring blankly at them as his lips moved forming words I couldn't hear.

"Harry?" I asked cautiously. His eyes moved slowly over to mine, his usual bright green eyes now dull and blank making me gasp at how quickly he had changed. There were so many questions floating through my mind that I needed to ask but I couldn't focus on what to ask first. I placed my hands on his cheeks, trying to get him to look at me, his eyes moving back and forth between mine frantically, as if silently pleading for help.

"Harry what's wrong?" I asked, my voice a bit louder and more assertive. Harry mumbled something of an answer and I couldn't understand what he said. I moved my face closer to his and I could hear him mumbling words over and over again.

"What? Harry please what's wrong you're scaring me." I pleaded, tears beginning to form in my eyes. I moved his head back to look at me as it was drooping to the side, his eyes completely glazed over.

"I killed him." I heard clearly. What? This doesn't make any sense.

"Killed who? Harry what is happening." My voice cracked. I couldn't stand seeing him like this and not having a clue as to what was going on.

"Theo." He said simply and it all came flooding back to me.

"James and I used to be mates, acquaintances at most. He had a brother named Theo how would always shit on me for selling drugs and smoking. You know me, so you know that it never bothered me, I couldn't care less about what this guy said or thought about me."

"One night, the three of us went to a bar and we got piss drunk, like I couldn't even see straight. So I went outside for some air, thought it might sober me up a little. Theo apparently followed me out and he started yelling things at me, calling me a crack head. Said I would never amount to shit and that's when it got to me. I thought, 'I'm going to teach this guy a fucking lesson.' So I punched him square in the nose and that was it. He was out cold on the concrete while blood literally poured out form his nose, onto the ground, all over his face and clothes." Harry shook his head at the thought. I could clearly see that this was haunting him.

"James eventually came outside to see where we were and found his brother unconscious on the ground. I told him he tripped on his feet on the way through the door and fell flat on his face. He believed me because it all happened so fast. An ambulance showed up and took him to the hospital. He's been in a coma for three years and every fucking day that I pass James in the halls or anywhere, all I can see is Theo."

No, this couldn't be happening. Not to Harry, not now, not ever.

I sat myself in his lap, trying to get his attention on me, to focus on me, to get his mind off of all the things that I know are running through his mind right now. My hands, now shaking, held his face firmly, not letting him look anywhere but me. His hands didn't come up to hold me, they lay shaking by his sides.

I didn't know what to do. I have never been in the position before and I felt so lost. I couldn't stand the feeling or thought of not being able to help Harry right now, just because I didn't know what to do.

So I just wrapped my arms around Harry. Enveloping him in my arms, hoping that maybe this could hold him together for a while. And if he falls apart when I let go, I'll never let go of him. I cried and shook as I hugged him, realization hitting me and I felt nothing but sadness for this beautiful and kind man who probably thought he was a murderer. I cried for all the innocence that's been lost within him, I cried for the utter cruelness in this world and how bad things happen to the best people. I cried for Harry.

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