Chapter 5: Irina Jelavic

Start from the beginning

Then the blonde rested her head on Koro-sensei's shoulder and began showering him with praises.

Though, to Akira, those "lovely, righteous seeming round eyes" and "indistinct joints" of Koro-sensei's were not at all "wonderful" nor "captivating".

The girls, with an exception of Akira, seemed to be getting more irritated by the minute as Irina Jelavic continued to sidle up to Koro-sensei.

Akira remained positively watchful of the blonde, and decided to keep an eye on her.

It was as follows that she decided to sit out on assassination football during the class's P.E. lesson so it would be easier for her to watch for anything out of the ordinary.

"...I had prepared a variety of ways to get close to him but..." Akira's ears picked up a woman's voice and she immediately turned her head to look.

Akira wasn't born gifted with any particular talent, though she seemed to have a thing for music, but she had seemingly sharper than average ears.

"...I never would have thought just turning on the charm would do it."

Akira's eyes narrowed at the sight of Irina Jelavic lighting a cigarette and placing it into her mouth, inhaling the smoke as she spoke to Karasuma-sensei.

She had a smug expression on her face, and her posture was of utmost confidence.

But what was she confident of? Akira didn't know, and couldn't tell.

A burst of laughter from the field drew Akira's attention back to her class, watching as a football landed on Koro-sensei's head and was balanced there.

"...but the job will be over soon enough." Akira heard the blonde say.

'What job?' Akira thought, in the process cursing herself mentally for getting distracted and not catching the rest of what Irina Jelavic had said.


The class turned to see the English teacher run out onto the field, straight for Koro-sensei, and sweatdropped for the second time, in unison, that day.

Akira merely further narrowed her eyes, forming them into tiny slits as she took note of the foreigner's sudden change in tone of the way she spoke compared to the way she had spoken earlier with Karasuma-sensei.

The class watched on in silence as the teacher requested for Koro-sensei to bring her some genuine Vietnamese coffee for her to drink while she taught English.

Of course, Koro-sensei complied with the request almost immediately, shooting off into the air with a short jet of wind which blew everyone surrounding him back a few feet, leaving behind a cloud of dust and a rather stunned class.

An awkward silence settled in as the students remained still in their positions, still hanging on to whatever weapon they held in the first place.

"So, umm... Irina-sensei?" Isogai or Sugino or someone began hesitantly, breaking the silence.

Due to both of them having black hair, and all boys looking exactly the same to her without hair, Akira always got confused between Sugino and Isogai.

"Class is starting, so should we return to the classroom?"

"Class? ...Oh, right. You are all free to do as you see fit," the blonde told the stunned class.

Akira was beginning to feel rather irritated at this point, and felt like growling at the teacher.

Then she asked the class to call her "Jelavic onee-sama", which was really pushing it for her.

Maybe, just maybe, Akira had slight anger problems. But that wasn't important right now.

A tensed silence filled in after that, as the class just watched Irina Jelavic tersely.

", what now?" the redhead, whom Akira learned to be named Akabane Karma, asked nonchalantly.

She didn't really like him, but his next words sent her into a fit of uncontrollable giggles, extinguishing any previous anger she felt towards their English teacher.

"...b*tch nee-san," Karma finished, smiling away calmly.

B*tch nee-san it certainly was. It seemed to fit her, at any rate.

"Don't shorten it!" their, quote, 'b*tch nee-san', burst out at Karma, already fuming, and sending Akira once more into another round of muffled laughter. How professional.

Then she spun around and aimed her gaze at Nagisa, startling him, and everyone else.

"You are Shiota Nagisa, right?" the blonde asked as she advanced on him.

Nagisa began sweating as she approached, and, without waiting for an answer, their teacher promptly swooped in on to him and...

...kissed him?


And then Irina Jelavic decided to follow that up by smoggling Nagisa's head in between her boobs.

"Poor Nagisa..." Akira sympathised, as their teacher's chosen one passed out.

Although, she did find it amusing that, from the corner of her eye, she spotted Kayano glaring murderously at their teacher.

Akira realised Kayano wasn't the only one glaring, however, as the found hit-woman threatened to kill any one of them who got in way of her assassination attempt, dismissing them all as incapable brats.

It was very obvious, right there and then, that the class absolutely detested her.

Akira couldn't agree more.

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