And It's Significant End

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A/N: This is for TripleJxSkittles for giving me the courage to continue on and for a special little someone, don't think I didn't notice you there Lulith, I remember you from ficitonpress and seeing that you almost immediately transferred over without a problem...well that warmed my cold heart.

The character model for Dante would be Lampo really! Just imagine him with darker hair, without the mark and of course with both eyes open LOL! XD

This is for you lovely people


So a week has passed since that rather...unique night, and thankfully it was relatively quiet. I did call Ian as soon as I got out and told him about the detention sentence but left out the key points such as me almost being mauled in more ways than one. I decided that my savior was indeed right, it's not like no one would believe me without any proof, the damages to the school had been repaired as evident the next day when I arrived and saw no claw marks or dents in the lockers.

I had a thought to call the FBI or someone and told them everything I saw but I doubt they'd believe me since not even my damn dad believed me when I said coffee gives you diarrhea.

It does I swear, webMD said so.

Naturally there were no way I could get the even get the events of last week out of my head, I mean who the hell could walk away from that and go through their lives as if it had never happened. As soon as I got home, and explained to my dad where I had been this whole time, I went on my computer and searched for an animal called a Splittail, my thought process was it was some mutation caused by the government that got loose. Though that doesn't explain why it went after me specifically or why I caught on fire and wasn't horribly burned to death.

Interestingly enough, the only result I got from the search was a redneck vagina.

Bookmarking that page for later.

Then I decided on trying the word that I was pretty sure it called me, 'Yuánsù,' I looked that up and barely found anything because it was Chinese in origin actually and looking up the English spelling of the word can mess up a lot in translation.

It meant element

So it called me element?

'What the hell did that mean?'

The fire then came to mind, I had caught on fire and subsequently it had caught fire by touching me. So maybe when it called me that it was calling me fire, or maybe or am fire, I am the personifcation of fire, the phoenix, I am the phoenix force!

I'm Jean Grey!

No wait, since I'm dude I could be Johnny Storm!

I'm okay with that, Chris Evans was die hard attractive as Johnny Storm.


I really wanted to figure this out because I REALLY didn't want to wait an entire week to find out why I caught on fire.

But I had and I can say that it wasn't a completely boring, I played a Johnny Storm and started snapping my fingers to get that fire thing to turn back on and I got it a few times (Almost burned my eyebrows off one time) but I couldn't really do anything more than that. There were times when I wanted to tell someone about this but it's not like I can go up to my dad and show him that I can catch on fire at will, he'd probably go mad.

Ian was also an option but I didn't know how to bring it up, 'Oh detention wasn't that unbearable actually I got saved from a freakish lizard thing by a hot guy and also learned that I'm fucking Pyro.'

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