Im Sorry, for my problems. I really am

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I bite my nails to were they bleed,

I pull the skin back on my fingers,

I cut myself only my boyfriend and

my boyfriends best friend knows.

My best friend doesnt even know.

I never told my Him(My boyfriend)

why i did it, Even though he asks

everytime. I tell him I dont want to

talk about It, He begs me to quit,

I tell him I try, and I do, But I cant.

Im a disapointment. I dont even try

to acheive my dreams anymore

because the higher I fly, The

harder I fall.

I dont do it for attention, I

hate that people say people

who cut themselves

want attention, Not everyones

like that

I dont want to kill myself,

I dont want attention.

I just want people to care about

Me, Not who you want me to be.

I cry because you dont give me

the time of day. You act like im

not here,like I dont exist. You

probly think I dont care, But thats

where your wrong I wish you knew

how much i cared, or how bad I cared.

But you dont.

Im slowly dieing inside. But arent we all?

Its killing me to tell somebody I need help.

I dont want my parrents to find out. Theyre

already divorced, I dont want them to fight

about this. Or scream and yell at each other

or blaming themselves. Taking me to a

Councellor. No im not crazy I dont need one.

I dont need that shit im not a pshycopath.

Im not one to keep my feelings inside. exept for

about this.

I keep it to myself.

I stare at myself in the mirror.

Wishing to be smaller. But i cant

starve myself. somebody would


I dont need your shit. I dont want

your 'it will be alright' or

'are you okay' or 'Im sorry.'

No just stop while your ahead.

You dont understand. Dont act like

you know me. You dont know shit

about me.

I make bad choices.

I am Who I am, Take me as I am or

leave me.

I wish I didnt say what I though, I

loose people over the damn things

I say.

I just dont know...


(for Renea's friend)

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