I looked at my phone is disbelief, these two are fools.

I responded back with and eww and thanks for the heads up.

I put my phone down and begin to go through my clothes to see which outfit would fit me best tonight. I decided on an all white see through two piece that showed part of my stomach in tells front. I knew this would turn heads.

By the time I added finishing touches to my make up my phone went off with a text from Aug.

Aug: Hey babe, I'm down stairs waiting on you.

Me: okay I'm walking down now.

I added a little bit to my makeup and grabbed my overnight bag since I basically getting kick out my own room. I hope Aug didn't mind that I was going to be with him overnight.

Once I finally reached the ground floor, I seen August standing there waiting for me with a huge smile on his face. I guess I was so into staring him down I didn't see my baby trying to get my attention. I made my way quickly over to August so he could hold my bag while I scooped up Major! He was so excited to see me it was crazy. He could not keep still.

While all the excitement was going on, in walked Shay and Travis hand and hand grinning from ear to ear to see my face.

"Ooh baby yass you look good or whatever" Shay said while giving me a hug and taking major from me.

" you guys go ahead and enjoy your night ! We got this." They both sent us on our way and we proceeded to out the door.

The whole time while walking to the car I felt August staring at my butt, so to tease him some more I decided to twist a little bit more than usual and strut just a little that way my ass could move a little more than usual.

I guess August caught on to what I was doing and cleared his throat and walking up on me and grabbing my waist. He kissed my neck and whispered in my ear.

"Keep fucking playing with me Kenayde. I will break every wall you have built up. I'm trying to be a gentleman and respect you and your wishes but dammit you making it hard for me right now. "

I smiled to myself knowing what I was doing and getting myself into. I decided to stop walking and pretended that something was on
my shoe. I bent over slowly and shaking my ass side to side to only hear a grunt come out his mouth.

"C'mon Kenayde baby, don't do this right now. We got reservations in 15 minutes afterwards you can do all the teasing you want to do."

I had August right where I wanted him and tonight everything was going to happen. Every emotion I had towards him will be expressed tonight. No holding back tonight.

We got in the car and drove to this nice restaurant, so nice I could not pronounce the word. I think maybe it was French. Hell if I know. While we took the time to order I notice how August seem to be thinking deep in thought, almost like he was nervous to speak.

"August? Baby you good. You look like something is on your mind.?"

He paused and look at me.

"Yeah there is but I want you to enjoy the food first." He stated.

I nodded my head and we conversed in small talk until our food came.

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