My face turned beet red and I held my breath, back to the boy with the cerulean eyes that I loved.  I swallowed and placed my arms around my front end, trying to hide my exposed parts for some dumb reason.  Andy cackled from the bed and I bit my lip, attempting to conceal my embarrassment.  A quiver went through my entire body just as I heard feet step onto the ground.  All of my muscles tensed at once for I knew that he was coming towards me.  I could feel it as his hands hovered over the flesh on the small of my back.  He seemed to dare not touch it, and even as I felt this, there was warm breath on the back of my neck as fingertips moved strands of my hair from the spot he wished to kiss.  Mouth was gentle against the soft area of tender skin, goosebumps beginning to flow over the entirety of my body.

    “Alright alright,” I whispered gently, “I have to take Bullet out for a walk.”  He chuckled in a sultry manner.

    “Why?” he whined sexily in my ear, hands now on my hips.  I blushed.

    “Andy I have to,” I replied just as Bullet jumped up on my leg, her paws settled on my thigh.  I smiled and patted her on the head, scratching behind her ears and getting a lick in return.  “Look at her, she’s asking nicely.”

    He sighed.

    “Alright,” he growled, “But you have to hurry back.”  I nodded.

    “Of course I will,” I uttered, “You have to let me get dressed first.”  He chuckled.

    “Awh do I have to?” he whispered, fingers trailing over my waist and reaching towards my bellybutton.  I squealed and jumped away, leaping towards the closet so that he couldn’t stop me from grabbing some clothing.  He followed me though, hands grasping my hips and pulling me back to him.  I gasped lightly and felt the heat rise in my core and my cheeks.

    He touched my neck, my jaw line and pulled my face back to lean against his shoulder.

    “Don’t be long then,” he uttered, causing my heart to palpitate audibly.

    “Okay,” I whispered, just as he released me, my body a mess of trembles and weakness as I tried to pull myself together long enough to walk my poor dog.  She was still whining and bothering me, poking at my legs with her cold wet nose.  I giggled as I pulled on underwear, bra, pants and a top, picking out covering without care.  It didn’t matter what I looked like so long as I was covered enough to take my dog out and so that Andy wouldn’t be enticed to capture me again.

    I turned towards him and smiled, unsure as to what I should say before I walked out of the bedroom.  He grinned, lips pulling brightly over perfectly white teeth while azure eyes sparkled with an emotion I could only deem as love or adoration.  The black of his hair contrasted to the pale white of his near albino skin while the angular jaw line only added to his handsomeness.  Skin stretched perfectly over his body and tattoos highlighted beautiful areas of his body.  They were the makings of a tapestry, a striking weaving of artwork and shading that displayed a myriad of stories all about his flesh.  Whether the story was great or mundane, it didn’t matter.  They were there, they were a snapshot of his life.

    “I love you, Nyx,” he whispered from where he stood by the bed.  I blushed and felt my lips part awkwardly.

    “I…I love you…I love you too,” I replied with a shocked grin.

    As I stepped out of the bedroom, Bullet started to yip with excitement.  I pulled her harness off of the couch where I had last placed it and put it on my animated pit bull.  When she was successfully harnessed, she started to jump up and down, her powerful hind legs springy enough to allow her to leap above the height of my head.  I watched and giggled as the brown and white dog exhibited the likings of a puppy even though she was already five according to the veterinarians.  I clipped her leash on and grabbed my keys, making for the door before slipping my Vans tennies on.  As I went to open the door, there was a sudden stirring from my bedroom.

The Wordless Symphony {Andy Biersack}Where stories live. Discover now