Andy looked confused. “So, you’re telling me that…you are in a relationship with a millionaire, and you love him, and he loves you…yet you ran away?” He said slowly.

I bit my lip. “Well, yeah, but my parents don’t really like him and I didn’t know who else to talk to, so…”

“Don’t you have any friends where you live now?”

“I have my friend Sam, and she’s great, but she loves the idea of being famous, and I don’t know,” I muttered. “I don’t really know what to think at this point.”

Andy threw an arm over my shoulder and I rested my head on his chest. It was quiet for a few moments. “What happened between you two?”

My muscles tensed at his question. “He didn’t do it on purpose.” I said quickly, looking up him. “He touched my scar and I don’t like people doing that and he didn’t know that and I got upset and he felt bad and then I just left and…”

“Am, breathe. It’s fine. I understand.” He spoke slowly. “I think you should go find him.”

I laughed humorlessly. “Please. He’s already looking for me, if he’s anything like the Harry I fell in love with.”

“Y-You love him?” Andy stuttered, arm tightening around me.

“Yeah,” I said softly, playing with his shirt. “Why?”

“Nothing, nothing,” he answered, and then changed the subject. “So do you need a place to stay or something?”

I bit my lip. “Yeah. Can I stay with you? I’m sorry.”

Andy laughed. “It’s fine! I love spending time with you. I still can’t believe you’re here, though.”

“Me either.” I agreed.


A couple hours later, there I was, on the couch in Andy’s living room. I was wearing an old t–shirt of his that fell just above my knee. It seemed everyone’s clothes were huge on me. Including Harry’s.

My heart clenched at the thought of him. I missed him like crazy, but I wasn’t ready to go back to him, not quite yet. I didn’t want to get reminded of that night again, especially by the one I love. Yes, I was reminded each and every day, by something on the street, or someone that looked like Owen. Nothing could stop the bad dreams, or the memories, or the flashbacks. I knew that.

But he made me feel insecure. Since we had been together, Harry had always made me feel beautiful safe, like nothing in the world could ever hurt me. However, in that moment, when he touched my neck, I had never felt so hideous.

There was no doubt that I loved him. I had for a while. We had been together a month or so, and I had never felt like this with anyone before.

As I lay down on the couch, I stuck my ear buds in and put my music on shuffle.  One of my favorite songs came on, and tears stung my eyes at the lyrics.

One day to get it all right, too wrong and not enough rights. Three words you said in the night before we held the fire

High-five me brother it’s amazin’ her six shooter came out blazin’

7UP and Coke on the pavement, ate my heart out daily baby

Hey, I love you.

Hey, I need you.

Hey, I want you, do you want me too?

You can count on me, when you cannot see

Let me spell it out, plain and simple now

When your number’s called, backs against the wall

Pick you up when you fall

Be there when you call

singing a b c

you can count on me


you can count on me

amen we made it this far

b boys in vw cars

see me seeing into my heart

delighted through the dark

emails and coffee in the evenin'

effort ya brother you'll believe it

gee i don't know your secret

h. i. love you singing

I skipped to the next song, and closed my eyes so tears wouldn’t leak. Andy had gone to bed, and I was alone to think. My brain hurt too much to start sorting things out, so I fell into a restless sleep, the curly-haired boy running through my dreams. 



I am going on vacation to Hawaii from Wednesday the 19th to Sunday the 23rd. This means that I will not update for a while, so please be patient. My flight is at 1:30pm Wednesday, so I'll upload chapter 30 before I leave. When I get back, I will update as soon as I can. Thank you for your cooperation. 

And, I cast Penn Badgley as Andy. If you don't know who he is, Google him or something. He's completely adorable. ;) 

The song I used in this chapter is "Count on Me" by Mat Kearney. He's one of my favorite singers and his songs are amazing. Check him out! :) 

Oh and by the way, I don't know if any of you have heard the song "Don't Let Me Go" by Sam McCarthy feat. Harry Styles, but it's the best song on this planet. Harry wrote the lyrics, and I cried when I listened to it. There are links all over Facebook and Twitter, and it's on YouTube. LOOK IT UP.



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