The Bretheren*part 5*

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Adrians P.O.V

(inside the bathroom)

that was soo wierd why did she ask me to pisk her up at the end of her street and not her house?

Well i guess i'll never know as i won't see her after tonight.

it's so unfair, i actually like this girl and when she's a vampire we could hang out but no, she'll be guarded and won't be able to go anywhere!

i took a deep breath of unbleamished air then stepped back into the corridor.

She wasn't there so i walked to my next lesson alone.

the school day finally ended and i was heading towards the doors when a girl stepped infront of me.

It was the girl from my first class that i had ignored.

"Why are you hanging out with Aliza? She's such a wierdo, she lives in the minging part of town."

Oh my god that's why she asked me to pick her up at the end of tthe road she didn't want me to see her house!

"I'm ok"

The girl looked at me in contempt, but it quickly changed to one of lust.

"Why don't you come to my house tonight? we'll have a good time!"

i understood the hidden message in them words.

"No thanks. I'm busy tonight."

Her expression turned to one of outrage.

"Well call me when you're free!"

She handed me a slip of paper and walked off towards her friends. When she thought i was out of ear shot she told her friends,

"He's totally GAY!"

I smiled and exited the doors

Aliza P.O.V

I was now stood in the middle of my bedroom with all the clothes i owned on my bed and bedroom floor.

I just couldn't decide what to wear!!

Finally i decide on black skinny jeans and a light blue T-shirt.

I added a swipe of lipgloss and headed to the road where Adrian was picking me up. i should have picked some where a bit closer. it took me a while to get there.

I was walking through an alley that served as a shortcut when some one grabbed me from behing.

I tried to turn round and see who had grabbed me when an arm closed round my neck

"I'm sorry!" Adrian's voice said.

I froze. No way!

Then he bit my neck.

Damian P.O.V

I was sat at my desk thinking.

I'm finally going to meet my daughter! When someone knocked on my door.

"It's open!"

A man entered, my butler.

"she's here, the hit man just arrived.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2009 ⏰

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