He laughs, and grabs my hand leading me to the door, only letting go when we put our shoes on.

He quickly escorts me out of the house, and opens the door to his car for me.

I get in, and once he gets in the drivers side, I immediately turn on the radio, squealing when a familiar song comes on.

I remember this song from my childhood.

It's a Green Day song, and I remember how I used to try to escape from reality by listening to music.

He turns the car on and off we go, to whatever he has planned for today.


*Adams P.O.V*

The car ride felt like a really long time.

I knew it was only like a 15 minute drive, but it felt like forever.

I was so nervous for tonight.

Get it together. You sound like a girl.

I silently pull in to the parking lot and park the car, motioning for her to get out, which she does almost immediately.

I slip out of the car after her, and meet her in front of the car, gently taking her hand in mine and intertwining our fingers.

Gently pulling her in to the open field, I start walking down the pathway that leads to a lake that only afew people know about.

This use to be the place I'd come to when I was stressed.

I've never seen anyone else here before, so it just became my special area.

I stop a couple minutes away from the clearing and pull a black bandanna out from my back pocket.

"I'm gonna blindfold you." I smirk.

She nods her head, and her face lights up in excitement, but then she smirks.

"Just promise not to rape me or do anything inappropriate." She says, her eyes glistening mischievously.

"No promises on the inappropriate part, babe."

I laugh and gently tie it over her eyes making sure she can't see.

Putting my hand on her lower back, I start to lead her to the clearing.

I'm excited.

She will love this.

Once we get to the clearing I stop and look down at her.

She hums in confusion, and I smirk even though she can't see me.

I slowly lift the blind fold off of her eyes, and shove it back in my pocket.

Staring in to her eyes, I feel like I could get lost in them.

I could look at them all day.

I wrap my arms around her waist, and bring my lips down to hers, savoring every moment of it.

Her lips are soft, and every kiss feels like the first.

The kiss is slow and tender, and I swear I feel fireworks going off.

I lick her bottom lip, and she immediately opens her mouth, allowing me entrance.

I slowly grab her thighs, and she understands my silent message because she jumps and wraps her legs around my waist.

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