****** Tyler's point of veiw***

Amber went up stairs and I went to find andy assuming he was done with his slut of a girlfriend. I ran down stairs to find Andy siting in a chair at the table staring at the wall with a empty bottle of vodka. "So regretting everything all over again"he didn't say anything "look Andy I know once Amber came you've thrown your life away I get she looks like mom and you miss her but you can't avoid Amber forever" He looked over to me and glared "you wanna fucking know something Tyler. Amber being here dosent change anything so stop saying it fucking dose" his eyes were red and he had dark bags under his eyes from lack of sleep his hands were shaking and stains on his cheeks from crying. "Now leave me the fuck alone"
"What ever there's no point in talking to a drunk anyway" his face lit up in rage "look asshole I'm not a drunk now get out before I beat the shit out of you"
"Fine what the fuck ever" I ran back upstairs to find mark and tell him about dad.
Mark was siting on the couch with a ice pack on his side, I plopped down next to him "hey"
"Hi ty" "hey um you know Merlin"
"Yeah the assholes who shot me"
"That's dads gang.."
"Yeah okay sure" He rolled his eyes
"Mark no seriously dad owns merlin"
"Mark that little girl was Amber. do you know about the terrible things they did to her!"
"I'm going to the club were stocking up on guns. I want his head."
"Mark! Don't do anything stupid!" Mark was already out the door and on his bike. In moments he was gone.
Amber, me, river and Andy were all we have left as family and we would do anything to keep Amber safe. And our pathetic excuse of a dad hurt her like crazy now that, that's a fact to Tyler , he wants to see him bleed.

**** marks view****

I sped into the club on my bike and jumped off, pushing open the doors with full force ignoring the pain in my side. The club went quite and turned to me. "my asshole of a father is the owner of Merlin. and guess what boys, he's going to bleed!" The club cheered, a few gun shots to the ground and everyone going crazy.
Look out Merlin you'll be in the ground soon.

***** amber****
There was a knock at my door "who's there"
"Come in" danny was wearing a blue sweatshirt and black jeans and was scoring a nice big bruise on the side of his face "who let you in"
"Myself" I giggled "figures" we both laughed, Danny plopped down on my bed next to me "so how are you darling" I blushed "darling?" "Yep, darling" he smiled wide. "interesting" we laughed he flipped onto his back and hung off the bed "your asking to be pushed off" he laughed and with a hard push he fell off the bed and landed on the floor with a thump "damn make anymore noise danny" he laughed "hey Amber I got a surprise for you, well there actually from the club"
"What?" Danny pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of two dogs both were pitbulls one was a blue pit and the other was red. "Oh my god there so so cute!"
"It's a few of the clubs attack dogs, river wanted to give them to you but hasn't had the chance soo I will. when do you want to go get them" "oh my god can we go now!" He laughed "yea" I jumped into his arms and hugged him tight "thank you thank you thank you" he laughed again "yep, lets go" and without warning he swung my legs up and rapped them around his waist and we went down stairs and down to the hummer. He placed me gently in the passenger side and walked around to his door and got in.

**** danny****
The engine flicked on and we were on our way to the club. I turned to look at Amber who was gazing out the window , wow she's beautiful and funny and ugh. I love her. I don't know how to tell her, I gently placed my hand on her knee and waited to see if she would do anything. She didn't even flinch. "hey Danny are we goin to the club?" "Yep" we pulled into the club drive way and the gates opened and we parked off to the side by the path way. Amber jumped out of the car and followed me down the path to where we keep the dogs and spare guns. We approached the dog house I unlocked the doors and we walked in "oh my god this place is huge!" Amber looked so amazed by the rows and rows of dog kennels. "Do u ever let them out?"
" Yeah of course" we walked up the hall way till we got to shadow and Lilly. "There they are" Amber bent down and squealed. She got back up and jumped into my arms she let go and I tossed her the keys, she opened up the doors and the dogs came barging out and trampled her and covered her in kisses. She couldn't stop laughing damn she's adorable. She got up and pet the dogs. "Hey amber do you wanna stay the night at the club, we could head out and ride the horses later, I might also be able to teach you how to shot some guns we have."
She laughed "is mr Danny asking me on a date. don't you think it's a little early for me the little helpless girl spend the night at a biker club with a big bad biker" I laughed hard "you are anything but helpless" he giggled " come on let's go" I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and called the dogs to follow. " Do you want me to drive you home to get some clothes for tonight"
"Sure" I opened the door for the dogs and we climbed in the car. We grabbed ambers stuff and headed back to the club "hey Danny do you think we could go some where to night"
"Yeah, where" she giggled "you'll see"

****** club History *******

The clubs first owner was Jacob sanders he was Amber and her brothers great great great grandfather. They climbed the ladder to be the most feared gang and stayed that way when passed down to river at the age of 17 ( the oldest of them all) river slowly convinced his brothers to join him in the club and that it will only get stronger in time, and it did.
Very strong. There childhood best friend Danny joined the club and slowly became leader like the rest of them.

The club has a dark history of drugs violence and even so killings. Now , Amber comes along and merlins a threat the club

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