I'm still looking for my mate, my other half, but I just can't find her.

My pack needs an alpha female. 

I first met Shadow eight years ago; he came to our pack and with the news that the Blood Moon pack attacked his pack killed everyone except for him and his sister. He's still looking for his sister but he can't find her. I know that he's losing hope because he told me. I still remember that day as clearly as if it was yesterday.

Shadow and I were in the woods. He said he wanted to talk to me about something important.

Ever since Shadow came here, my pack welcomed him in open arms and we immediately became best friends. Now since I'm alpha I chose Shadow to be beta because I know how he is. He's responsible, wise, organized and has all the requirements to be a beta.

Shadow was thinking very deep by the look of his face.

"Tyler, do you seriously think that we're going to find her?"

"I don't know man, I mean it's been eight years and still no trace of her.'

"Yeah, I know man, and I'm losing hope. It has been a long time now, eight years, maybe, I don't know, maybe she's dead by now." he said with his voice cracking at the end.

"But maybe she's not. She's still your sister, and don't forget that you promised your mom." I reminded him. I'm the only one that knows about the promise that he made to his mom.

"Yeah I know" he said, defeated."Tyler there's another thing I've got to tell you." He said looking at the stars

"And what is it." I said a little confused.

"Light and I are twins "

"Twins "

I was shocked, so they're twins.

"Yeah "he looked sad, and who wouldn't be when there's someone you love out there and you don't even know whether they're alive or not.

"Tyler, hey man, you okay?" Shadow asked me, sounding worried

"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking "I said shaking my head.

"Come on, we're here "Josh said opening the cafeteria's door

Once I stepped inside I was met by the most amazing smell ever. It was a mix of strawberry and vanilla. As I started looking everywhere trying to find its source I was met by the most magnificent pair of electric blue eyes.

My wolf started screaming MINE MATE MINE

I was looking deep into her eyes; they held fear, problems and hope.

But Queen B just had to ruin the moment; she was talking to Katie, one of my sister's best friends.

"Hello, Tyler, you okay man?" Josh said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said shaking my head

"Okay, now come on we bought you lunch "

We reached at our table; Aaron, Caleb, Seth, Jason and Mark were already sitting there.

"Hey man "Jason said.

"Hey guys "

"Hey" they all replied in unison.

We were talking then suddenly we heard Katy scream

I looked at Shadow, he had this weird expression which slowly morphed in that of joy.

"Well...you deserved it "my angel said. Aw ... she's sticking up for her friend, I thought. That's when Stephanie charged at her. I was going to go there, but Shadow beat me to it.

In a flash he was standing in front of my angel where he held Stephanie's hand and told her

"Touch my sister and you'll be lucky if you got out of the hospital with a few broken bones "

Wait! Did he just say sister?

All of the guys were thinking that too. Then both of them went out of the cafeteria.

"Did he just say sister?"Aaron asked, as if he can't believe his ears.

"I guess "Seth replied

So my mate is my beta's sister, who knew.

"That's awesome. It'll help me get to know her better" I said smiling like a lunatic.

"And why is that?" Mark asked

"You'll see" I said, leaving the guys with a confused expression on their faces

After 10 minutes Shadow entered the cafeteria with sister next to him, they were coming in our direction.

 "Guys this is my sister that I've been telling you about. Light, these are Aaron, Caleb, Seth, Jason, Mark, Josh and Tyler."

When she looked at me it was like my whole world revolved about her, she was looking at me until a cough from someone made her blush and turn away.

"Okay, so wanna sit with us? "Shadow asked her

"Um, but I'm sitting with Christy "she said pointing to the table where my sister and her friends were sitting.

"Well, then you'll have to tell them to come sit here. I can't let my mate get out of my site now, can I? "I said smirking. That when she turned on her heels and started walking towards the table were Christy and the others were sitting.

The guys were smiling at me like clowns, but Shadow had a shocked expression.

"Congrats man "Caleb said, punching me in the shoulder.

"Yeah, our alpha finally found his mate "Jason said patting me on the back.

"Tyler, I trust you with her. Promise me that you'll never force her into anything "a concerned Shadow said .It was almost like he was pleading me.

"Don't worry, you're like my brother Shadow, I promise I'll not force her into anything "Shadow looked relieved at my spoken promise.

"Well congrats man " He said with a smile.

"Thanks" I said with a voice full of pride. '

I have finally found my other half, my soul mate.

Now that I've found her, I'll never let her leave my sight.

I'm never gonna lose her.


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next chapter there will be TYLER'S P.O.V. to express how he felt and blablabla

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