Christmas Contest - Entry

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The tiny snowflakes were falling down to the cracked sidewalk, and he watched it all with a sad glimmer in this eyes. He closed his eyes and leaned back on his chair, running his fingers through his hair.

He stared out the foggy window, tracing his fingers on the cold glass. In his hands, he held a enveloped letter. It wasn't just any letter, adorned with pink heart stickers and a smiley face messily scribbled on the corner. There were small tears and rips on the envelope's edges, and he explicitly recalled those difficult times where he attempted to open the letter, but failed to do so.

Now was the time.

He exhaled sharply, sitting upright and wiping his sweaty palms on the back of his pants. He did not bother himself to use anything to undo the envelope because he had already torn it in halves.


Knowing your personality, you probably waited to open the letter. That's okay. I'll still love you all the same.

As of now, I'm not alive in person, right? But I will always be alive in your heart. We never really know how strong we are until being strong is the only choice we have. Do you remember all the good times we had? Those memories are what keep me strong. They keep me hoping everyday.

Help me out and give a hello to your family, please? How are they doing?

I was so scared when I was first diagnosed with cancer. My world was completely shattered. I was afraid you would leave me because I wouldn't be the person you're going to spend the rest of your lifetime with. Cancer sucked, and it was difficult for me to do pretty much anything.

But then again, life's a whole lot brighter when we focus on what really matters. And what matters to me is you. As cheesy as it is, you were there to catch me when I fell. You stayed by my side.

There's nothing I want more than to spend my Christmas day with you. I want to be sitting next to you, having warm hot chocolate, minus the marshmallows. We could have a tree with luminous string lights like we have every year. The best gift of all would be you. Do you think that maybe I could still be alive to spend next Christmas of 2k15 with you? :)

I love you.

He didn't even realize he was crying until he saw a warm droplet on the paper.

He turned around to face his blue calendar he had hung on the wall.

December 25, 2015.

Merry fucking Christmas.

(A/N): thank you so much for the art, sleepingsxrens . please follow her back if you can! I love it.

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