Gaining confidence and proving yourself

Start from the beginning

Lauren waved her off with a giggle and said,"Don't worry about it. We'll invite another girl, who is also a lesbian. Besides, despite how the girls and me acted when you first showed up wearing a lesbian flag, we've found ourselves more accepting... and some of us, even curious."

Camila's eyes widened at Lauren last word, shooting a curious gaze at Lauren, who instead of showing her nerves, gave Camila a smirk along with a seductive look boring her green eyes into her.

Camila felt a rush of excitement and confidence in her build, and she closed her locker, leaning against it mirroring the head cheerleader.

"Curious huh? Well you know the best way to find out the difference between curiosity and knowing is to experience it yourself." Camila whispered softly, staring into Lauren's eyes.

"It seems I have a lot to look forward to tonight then. For the first time, I find myself eager to be proven wrong. Maybe its because using the word curious as a mask for knowing is where that plays in. But if it gets me what I want, then I guess we could keep calling it curiosity." Lauren whispered grinning.

Camila bit her lip, trying to hide her large smile, deciding to let it go as a failure, she beamed a smile at Lauren, and whispered,"Can't wait. You gonna cheer me on today?"

Lauren smiled saying,"I can promise you Camila, no one will cheer louder for you than me. I'll make sure to keep an eye out for you."

Camila pushed herself off her locker, slipping her bag over her shoulders, as she took Lauren's notebooks from her hands with a smile.

"Why don't I help you keep both eyes on me, and I walk you to class? I heard a rumor the head cheerleader, and Captain usually hang out on game days." Camila stated with a smirk.

Lauren grinned, following next to her, as she said,"Well I broke that rule with the last idiot who was captain of the team. But I'm growing pretty fond of this years current captain, so why not?"

Both girls smiled at each other, blushing slightly, oblivious to the curious gazes watching, and their friends smile knowingly at them.

The two girls walked to class, with their subtle flirting and blushing faces, oblivious to the looks of hate or admiration that passed them by.


The day passed quickly, and soon Camila was suiting up in the girls locker room, waiting for her cue to exit from the coach. She sat on the bench in front of her locker, silently bowing her head in prayer when Lauren found her.

Lauren had entered the locker room in her uniform and pom poms, quietly waiting for Camila to finished her pre game ritual. She watched as Camila's face contorted from nervousness to fearful, and knew her friend was more nervous today than she had allowed to show.

She admired Camila for giving the boys on her team as much confidence as they needed, while burying her own fears in the process.

Camila lifted her head, doing the sign of the cross, before opening her eyes, jumping at her secret admirer.

"What are you doing here?" asked Camila nervously.

Lauren smiled genuinely walking over and sitting next to her as she fumbled nervously with the helmet now in her hands.

"I came to see if you needed help with your hair, and to wish you good luck." Lauren answered smiling.

Camila's long hair was in a messy ponytail, since it was difficult to work with because of all her padding.

She smiled at Lauren relieved and said,"I could use the help. Normally my best friend back home helped me. I tried putting it in a bun like she did, but I'm not that great with hair."

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