"Now I know your pulling my leg. Seto is a very powerful Sorcerer Jess. He doesn't go down easy. Even if he does he will always come right back up." Ian said walking toward Jess. Jess backs up. Alex looks at Ian.

"Ian." Alex said.

"His horse came back but not him." Jess said. Alex takes a step towards Ian.

"So? That has happen plenty of times before. He's fine. Seto wouldn't let Raven beat him." Ian said.

"You...You guys don't get it. You boys have become so reckless." Jess said. Ian stops and looks at Jess.

"No we haven't." Ian said.

"Yes you have. Since Ty died you guys seem to have fallen apart. You didn't even put Sky's safety into consideration when you brought him here risking for a open attack from the demons. If they attacked you Ian, they would have killed Sky. You know this. Sending Seto out on his own because Mitch said the demons were after him was one of the stupidest things ever. Jerome would have still been alive if you haven't. Seto is safe at the base. You are playing right into Raven's hand Ian! Why can't you see that?" Jess asks. Ian clenches his fist and Alex can see his blood boiling. She takes a few steps towards Ian.

"C-Calm down." Alex said.

"Because we are not Jess! You girls don't get why we are doing what we are doing because you are still considered new." Ian said. Jess takes a step towards Ian.

"New? I have been helping you guys for almost a year now." Jess said.

"Almost isn't full Jess. We have been doing this since we were kids." Ian said quietly looking at the ground.

"Yeah but you guys chose to have no childhood." Jess said. Ian looks at Jess.

"You think we picked to have this life, no we were forced into it!" Ian yelled. Sky flinches at his loud voice.

"I-Ian. D-Don't." Sky said wearily. Ian's eyes and rage soften looking at Sky, seeing Sky look so broken. He looks at Jess.

"What do you mean by forced?" Jess asks.

"Nevermind that. That's....That's in the past." Ian said. Alex puts her hands on Ian's arm.

"No, what? We all want to know." Alex said. He looks at Alex and takes her hands off of him.

"We will take Sky back then if you want Jess." Ian said.

"But wh-"

"It d-doesn't matter!" Sky said.
Quentin taps his fingers on the table seeing Jerome's blood on his hands and clothes. Quentin signs. Alikai comes in looking worried.

"Has Mitch spoken yet?" Quentin asks. Alikai shakes her head.

"He fell asleep in my room since he didn't want to be in his. I cleaned off the blood on his face but it is still on his clothes." Alikai said.

"I expect this from him Alikai. Jerome and him were best friends. I got Jerome out of his room too but I wouldn't want to go in there either if I was him." Quentin said. Alikai grabs Quentin's wrists looking at his bloodied hands.

"Um...you should clean off the blood." Alikai said. Quentin said nothing. Alikai leaves for a second as she comes back with a wet rag.

Demons: Book 11 of the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now