Alaric gave you a compassionate look and crossed his muscular arms. He nodded his head slowly, understanding that you certainly weren't happy, and when his kisses and hugs didn't work, he knew only one surefire way for you to channel all the feelings. He had never before took you sparring, but he knew you could do it, so when the idea hit him, he decided to put it to pursue. He took your hand, and you gave him an infuriated look but he was about to marry you - he wasn't scared. He knew you inside out, and he knew he could make all this irritation go away and training together would be a rather perfect way. He had dreamed of it for a while now. He wanted to challenge you, and you to challenge him, but he had never gotten the chance. Not one as perfect as this one, anyway.

  "What the fuck do you think you're doing?", you grunted when Alaric put his shoes on and guided you to do the same. He just smiled mischievously, and said how it was a surprise and you had to trust him, and by some goddamned miracle he got you to putting your shoes on so he could lead you outside and to his car.

  You both got in, and Alaric started to drive. So you left behind the house and all the worries, well, except for the burning anger in you which Alaric aimed to direct to a good fight in the local gym. You arrived at the place soon, and you turned to look at him to give him a cold glare and a roll of your eyes. He wasn't moved by it though, all Alaric did was chuckle and smile widely as he opened the door for you and led you inside the gym.

  There was no one - that was how active and motivated Mystic Falls was. You had never liked the idea of wasting the town's money on a gym, since people barely used it but at least your fiancé liked it. Though, you couldn't help but smile when he grabbed your hand and excitedly took you to the locker rooms where he opened a locker that he had been saving for a moment like this. You had just opened your mouth to complain your lack of proper clothes, but Alaric had been waiting for this day to arrive, so he had the right attire and tossed it over to you.

  "Wow, Ric, how long--", you began, but he cut you off with a hot kiss. His lips were pressed into yours, and he hooked you from your waist and pulled your bodies together while his other hand was on the back of your head so it was easy for him to hold you and control the intense kiss. Your eyes widened and you were taken aback by the sudden gesture of affection, but you had no intentions to stop him so you answered to the kiss with all your might until he himself finally disconnected your lips.

  "Long", he just breathed out. You gave him a slow nod with the same shocked look on your face, and it remained even when he started to walk towards the door. "I'll wait outside", Alaric smirked and let you get dressed in peace. You couldn't help but shake your head and laugh while you changed your clothes - you could tell that this was definitely the way to let out some held back steam, even if at first you weren't exactly fond of the idea. But you knew Alaric enjoyed exercising, and therefore you decided to go with it.

  "Well, let's do this", you spoke after stepping out of the locker rooms. You looked quite good in those sporty clothes, even if it wasn't your preferred way to dress up but for the moment, it was perfect. You approached the wrestling ring where Alaric was waiting with a proud smile dancing on his lips. "I'll kick your ass, Saltzman", you grinned as you entered the ring, and waved your fists in the air, ready to fight.

  "Yeah, we'll see about that, Y/L/N", your fiancé smirked back at you.

  After saying you didn't want any practice, you just wanted to blow off the steam and channel your anger into something, Alaric began the fight by grabbing you from your arms and pinning you to him but you had learned one or two super assassin moves from all the movies you watched and managed to turn it into your advantage. You kicked him off of his feet, and he ended up falling, with you on top of him. You smiled smugly, and got up, but you did the mistake of turning your back on him as you started to praise yourself.

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