Chapter 32: Why - Part 1

Start from the beginning

I still wondered why she held on to the fact that I said I had a girlfriend once when she already knew I was in fact, dating a boy. "Are you blackmailing me?"

The sugary expression was back, "Me? Why would I do that?" She asked, her hand on her chest. "I'm just saying if you don't accept the fact that you're mine, I'll just have to force you." Her bluntness was definitely something. I was petrified, yes, but I wasn't prepared for what she threatened me with, "I wonder how your dad would feel when he finds out his little trophy isn't so shiny anymore."

I swallowed instinctively. There was something about my dad that just set me off. Whenever I heard his voice or anything about him, I would immediately tense up.

The message I sent by gulping was immediately received by her. "It's sad how he never appreciated you, but imagine how ticked off he would be," She continued as I foolishly let her. "I don't blame him though. You are worthless." Her words cut through me like butter. "You're pathetic, Nolan. If I were you, I'd listen to me." She leaned up and placed a kiss that felt like acid, on my cheek before walking away.

Right then, the only temporary remedy was sleep. I wanted to just cower away from everyone. Wondering where Emily was, I was about to go back into the building when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning, I met his brown eyes, smiling as if nothing was wrong.

"Hey," He greeted and his smile split his face. When he sensed my uneasiness, he asked, "Are you okay?"

I wanted to say no. I should have said no and explained everything to him, but I was too selfish. I was too scared. Instead of opening up, I said what she would have wanted, "I-I can't do this." I didn't wait to see his expression morph. I ran off like the coward I was.

I hopped into my car and slammed the door shut. I wasn't even surprised that Anna was beside me in the passenger's seat, even though I was sure I locked the doors this morning.

Not wanting to think about anything, I turned on the ignition and sped off.

My phone buzzed with a text and I immediately knew who it was. Desperately wanting to answer, I managed to think twice about it since Anna's eyes were daring me to answer.

"Go home," I said, dropping my phone on my nightstand. "Just go."

"And risk watching you break into pieces?" She questioned with an amused look on her face. "Nah."

I sent her a quick glare, but she ignored it and made herself at home. Since I couldn't send her out, I decided to fall asleep until my parents returned from work.

My mind reeled back to what I just thought; if she met my parents, she might just spill the beans. Instead, I lay awake. At least that way, I could keep watch over her.

After almost an hour of silence, I asked, "Why are you doing this?"

Her head snapped up from what she was doing to keep herself busy. "Doing what?" She dropped a pair of scissors on the table and ripped the pajama bottoms I had carelessly left on the floor, with her hands. "Ripping your clothes? I'm bored that's all."

I pretended not to mind that she had just torn my pajama shorts and elaborated on what I meant. "No, I mean all this. Why are you making me do this?"

"Because I hate you." Reflexively, I flinched, as if a bug just bit me.

"You hate me?"

"I despise you."

"Then why aren't you hurting me? Why Nasir? He hasn't done anything."

"Uh," She made a sassy gesture with her wrist. "He stole you from me, when it was quite obvious that you were mine and mine alone."

She said it like I was a property, not even a pet. "I thought you hated me."

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