Day 1: Rotten Burrito

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I never expected that in a just a few more hours or 11 hours to be exact that the world would turn into a shit hole. Not like it wasn't before but this time it was worse than before. Instead of fighting to survive to make a decent living, now we were just fighting to survive.

11 hours earlier

"Danielle, you have 30 minutes to get out of that bed before I come up there and make you," My mother shouted from downstairs. I was supposed to be 20 minutes ago, but you know how those mornings are when you think to yourself a few minutes and end up sleeping more than you planned? Yeah, well this was one of those mornings. Instead of responding to my mom, I just got out of bed almost tripping over my sneakers making my way toward the bathroom in my room.

Once inside I closed the door behind me and faced to the mirror to see if anything changed. I somehow keep wishing that I'd wake up and be a completely different person, who doesn't look like she got in a bar fight when she woke up. Yet, again I was met with disappoint with my copper hair resembled a birds nest and the dark circle underneath my eyes greeting me, So much for wishing but one can't give up on dreams even if they're unattainable. Anyways, whose idea was it to start school so freaking early? All I think of is a bunch of white men sitting around in a circle deciding how to further ruin the youths of today lives. Before I got a deeper in thought and wasted more time, I hopped in the shower. The sprays of ice cold water caused me to shriek and jump out. After, I readjusted the temperature to warm; I hopped back in soaked in the warm sprays before cleaning myself.

That shower was really refreshing, even enough to cause me to wake up a little. I looked around my organized or what my mom likes to call "Disorganized" room, searching for a pair of clean clothes I could wear. I spotted a white T-shirt on the ground, which I instantly picked up only to put it back down because it smelled really musty. After ten minutes searching around for some clean clothes, I finally some and it was just in time because my mom came knocking at the door.

"Danielle, you're 30 minutes are over. You better be ready when I come in there." My mom pushed open the door to find me tying me shoes. The look of relief washed over her face. Shows how much faith my mother has in me.

"Once you're done tying your laces, I want you to come downstairs to eat your breakfast," She said before leaving my room and my room door open. It really irks me when someone leaves my door open after countless of times I told them to close it. Why can't people listen to Brendon Urie when he says, "Haven't you ever heard of closing a goddamn door?" If more people actual took that lyric seriously than I wouldn't be having this problem; But I highly doubt my mom knows who Panic at The Disco are or even who's Brendon Urie.

Coming down the stairs, I could hear Sesame Street booming in the background while my father was talking about something related to taxes. My family was your average middle class American family. When people seem to think of America, they think of the American dream, with the white fenced house, a high income, and pet; which sounds great but I'm quite fond of what I have right now. We don't have a lot or too little we have just what we need to survive. Downstairs, Mike my little brother was watching Sesame Street, while my mom and dad were both in the kitchen.

A muttered a quick good morning to both of my parents before grabbing my plate that was sitting on the counter. One bite of the food caused me to spit quickly, it was cold. I decided I had enough time to reheat it and still make it on time for school. Right now the clock read 7:36 a.m. and school started at 8:00 a.m. . . . I quickly put the food in the microwave and set it on 1 minute. While I waited I noticed my mom washing the dishes and my father still doing whatever the hell he was doing. I figured I might as well talk while my food is heating up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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