Chapter eight- It's back

Start from the beginning

I can picture his farm and to me it seems like a beautiful place, somewhere I would love to visit.

"It sounds wonderful, I hope I'll be able to visit it some day." I really do.

"You just might be able to my dear" and I could hear the smile come to his face.

We finished lunch in comfortable silence both lost in our own thoughts.

Mrs cooker came to collect our plates just as I was about to hope up and take my own plate to the kitchen.

"Thank you Mrs Cooker it was a lovely meal."

"Your welcome love, I'm glad you enjoyed it." She replied before walking off.

"So lunch has went longer then I expected, so you may go home early. I'll also be going away for a week to see family. So Mrs Cooker will let me know of your progress here."

I couldn't help but be disappointed because I can see Nixon and I becoming great friends but I don't know now that I won't be seeing him for a week.

"Okay,I hope you have fun with family and I shell see her in a week." I replied while tucking my chair in.

"Yes indeed oh and Cecilia don't ride any horses or ponies while I am away. " Nixon spoke.

Why that little scallywag. "I won't" I grumbled before I left the dinning room.

Since I got home I have little to do, I was going to try and figure out who my parents are but that just takes to much of my energy.

Maybe I should go for a walk to see if Marlene needs any help fixing dinner and I bet she has some great stories to tell.

Heading towards my front door, I decided there wasn't a minute to lose before I got to see my friend again.

Making may way there the front door I followed Marlene's voice and realised she has already started dinner.

"Hello Marlene, would you like some help? Or at least some company? " I asked but I must have scared her because I got a scream in return.

"Oh my gosh dear you sure have given me a fright" Marlene gasped.

"I'm sorry, I really should start making more noise." I giggled.

"Never mind that now dear take a seat I would love some company." Marlene replied in a cheerful voice.

"Yay, so how have you been Marlene any good gossip going around?" I asked jokingly but I knew that Marlene will have a story or two to tell.

"You know I'm not to fond of gossip." Holding my laughter in I am very fond of Marlene but I have to say she loves her gossip. I just like the way she explains things.  

"Oh who am I kidding. Where should I start, let's see Miss Lala Diggins ran off with a man twice her age and left Mr Lang heart broken poor old fellow." Poor man I might not know how he is but no one needs to be left heart broken like that.

"That's awful, I bet she will come running back though. And what else?" I asked hoping for lighter topic.

"Well her sister Dora was caught with her bloomers around her legs with the bankers son. I say her father had quiet a shock." I couldn't help but giggle wow they sure sound like adventurous girls.

"That's not all though, Dora was meant to be betrothed to the miners son, who is a dragon shifter I might add and it was a arranged marriage to tie the family's. Let's just say now that has happen it's  not going to be the case because Dora is now known as a lady of the night." Marlene took a break to take a drink I assume.

"I have no idea why she would be called that though since she was caught doing it during the day, I say if my Pa caught me in that situation, he would have tanned my back side that's for sure."

I couldn't stop laughing at that because I remember Marlene and Fred telling me the story of how they meet and I believe what she says about her Pa.

"What about you Missy, I haven't seen much of you lately to busy with tall dark and intimidating?" She asked and I get the feeling that she is wiggling her eyebrows at me.

So I told her the whole story of me on horse to him helping me and inviting me to lunch today to him leaving for a week.

"You sound broken up about him leaving dear, what makes you upset?" She asked while putting her hand on top of mine.

"It's just that I see us becoming friends and I don't know if that's going to be the case when he gets back." He could become the angry Nixon all over again.

"Hmm that is a problem but maybe if you make him some cookies as a welcome home gift it might warm his cold heart dear, especially after what Rosa done to him." Who's Rosa?! And why do I feel so jealous?!

"That might be a good idea Marlene would you be able to help me?" I asked.

"Sure now let's get dinner on the table before Fred comes in hear demanding to be feed the old grump." She said with a light laugh.

Dinner was a wonderful fair full of laughter and Fred telling me stories of when he was a young lad and how him and Marlene were best friends after he use to pick on her for the first month of school. 

"Thanks for coming Cecilia, Marlene has asked me to give you this because she has caught a bad migraine." Fred said before he handed me the letter.

Hugging him goodbye I slowly strolled home, ready for bed after such an eventful day, a lovely day full of friends though. I must say its one of the best days I have had.

Collapsing at my table, I decided to open what feels like a letter, if it's written in hand writing I won't be able to read it though. I am hopping that it's in brail.

Realising it was I silently fist pumped the air.

Reading the letter I couldn't help but gasp.

Dear Cecilia,

How are you dear? It is Lucy or sandy as you like to call me. I just writing to let you know it's back.

It creature of the night is back and it has taken three children so far, and I fear it won't be long before it takes more.

I know I am probably asking a lot of you child but I need you to come back, your our only hope. For it does not harm you and you have scared it off once before.

I hope this letter reaches you safely and that you are in good health.

I hope to hear or see from you soon my dear.

Much love Your sandy.

Noo! It can't be back! I must go to them first thing in the morning before anymore children get hurt! I can't have that on my concuss.

Deciding to call it a night I made my way to bed with my last thoughts being about the creature of the night or other whys known as The Grimpar...

So this chapter is unedited and I just want to apologise for the late update but I hope what I have wrote has made it up to you guys :) plus Comment and Vote if you have the time I will really appreciate it. :)

Kaymaii Xx

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