Still, he cracked his knuckles all in one go and swiveled his shoulders. He wanted to assert dominance and I didn't care for playing such games. "Why do you need to stop by dusk exactly? It's not like there's a special thing happening then. The guards will still be out at that time." He made a good point. Clearly, he thought about escaping before, but if he attempted to escape he clearly didn't do very well. "I think you should either explain or slow down."

I shook my head and looked around. Prisoners weren't roaming around at that time, but I couldn't risk anyone knowing that we were killing Giles. Granted, I bet the cameras that were scattered around were picking this up, but it's not like the guards cared. They ignored me when Diamond was being brutally murdered. "It's a long story. How about you follow my time limits and I promise that I'll get out of your hair forever."

He seemed to like that idea, even though I didn't believe it myself. He extended out his meaty hand. I did the same with my thin, boy like hand. We grabbed each other's hands and shook like men. I was ready to do what was right for once. Or maybe I was bloodthirsty. Whatever the reason was, I thought it was the right way anyways.

"Alright, I'll help you kill Giles in time, and then you'll get out of my beard. Got it?" We both nodded at the same time, and he smiled. His terms were met, and so were mine.
I stepped into his prison cell and looked around. His roommate was a man in his mid forties at least. The man was graying and had a few wrinkles here and there. He looked just as strong as Jesse, though. Plus, he had a plethora of tattoos to show off as well.

"Tyson, this is Father Mark."

I was a bit confused as to how someone so extreme looking could be one with Christ, but I suppose I wasn't one to judge. The man did have a huge cross tattooed on his arm. I wondered if he used to be in the church until he lost his mind, got tons of tattoos, got ripped, and then committed a crime. That seemed logical.

"He's gonna help us plan this whole thing out. He's smart, especially when it comes to murder. He killed four people without getting caught, but he got arrested when he killed his fifth." Jesse explaining something so violent made it seem much less worse. I wish he could explain my killing spree so I wouldn't feel as bad about it.

I nodded in response and sat down on Jesse's bed. The two men started whispering at Father Mark's bed and then they emerged out of conversation with light bulbs as hats. They got a good idea, and I could tell.

"Giles is outside on duty. He'll come back in through the east entrance, the one near the main entrance, so we can pin him into the bathroom and stab him or drown him. Getting a knife will be hard, but drowning him might not work," He explained with his serious tone. His eyebrows furrowed downwards as they usually did, but he didn't remind me of my father.

The older man stood up and started to study me. He touched my greasy hair, poked my abs, and pushed me from behind.

"This one's not very strong or smart. Clearly, there's a special occasion going on here." Father Mark was correct, and that scared me.
"Giles deserves to die. He killed Diamond—"
The older man interrupted me. "Everyone knows he killed Diamond. He's a complete nutcase. He's killed two guards as well, and no one sane believes he did it." He crossed his arms, exposing a tattoo of Jesus Christ on the cross. It was a beautiful tattoo, but it was a bit bloodier than I remembered it being in the Bible. "So why kill him? He didn't do anything to you."

I shook my head and stood up from anger, but no anger appeared on my face. "He killed Diamond: a sweet, helpful, and old lady. She didn't deserve to die! Can't you see that?" I asked, raising my voice a bit.

The man stood up and faced me. We were about the same height, but I was just a smidgen taller than him. "I see a lot more than you do, boy, but I don't get myself into unnecessary trouble—"

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