one more cut

5 1 0

Ill just cut once.
That didn't make a difference
Maybe two more cuts.
That should do

Well I could use one more
And just like that one turns to four and four to eight
and eight until every inch of your wrists are covered

While you sit one your bed
Wondering how to hide them
You soon start thinking about suicide
About how sweet it is
About how you will never have to cut again
About how you won't be bullied
And about being self conscious

Just listen to the sound of it
Sounds light and soothing and calming
But for some reason
It catches everyone's attention
One minute they don't care
Then the next they hear suicide
and their crying their eyes out
Because you never told anyone you we're suicidal
Because they never cared
Until you go in your room and hang yourself.
Or open all your veins
Or pop then pills
Or until you've drowned yourself
No one cared and most still don't

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