How Did This Happen?

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Vegeta! What brings you here?" The happy go lucky man called out as he waved. The flamed haired man didn't respond as Goku swam closer, but he did glare.

"Did you forget, Kakarot!?" Vegeta snarled out at his only remaining subject. "You were supposed to meet me for training all last week and this!" The younger man winced internally as he brought his hand to scratch at the scar on the back of his head. He was quick to put an apologetic look on his face.

"Sorry, Vegeta. I guess I did forget. Let me dry off and we can spar." Goku attempted to placate the pissed off prince. Vegeta growled as he turned his head in the other direction, and crossed his arms over his chest. The chestnut tail around the prince's waist twitched as well. Taking that as an affirmative answer, the spiky haired male was quick to get out of the lake. With a quick surge of ki, Goku was dry and reaching for his orange gi pants.

As he pulled them on, the heat he had been feeling came back stronger then ever. He gasped as a sudden cramp started in his lower belly, and well muscled arms wrapped around his middle. He bit his lip to keep from alerting Vegeta to his dilemma, not wanting to make the other any more agitated then he already was. A cool wind brought some relief, but the earth raised saiyan had no time to enjoy it.

A vicious snarl made Goku's head snap over to his companion, and what he saw made him freeze. The saiyan prince had a feral look on his face as he stalked over to the taller man. Goku tried to back away from him, but Vegeta growled as he pounced. The sudden weight was enough to knock the spiky haired man onto his back.

"Vegeta? What's wro-" Firm lips cut off the question as the older saiyan kissed him. An agile tongue plunged into the warrior's mouth, making it a bit difficult to breathe. Vegeta pinned Goku's hands on the ground as he moved to straddle his waist. The chestnut tail snaked around its black counterpart, making both saiyans moan.

Goku's eyes widened in shock. His heart swelled with a strange warmth. He had no idea what was happening, but a scent wafted around him. His already hazy thinking suffered under the onslaught of sensations, and saiyan instinct rose up. The musk and clove smell clouded what reason he had left, and he submitted under the dominant above him.

Both fighters fell into a trance as scent, touch, and taste filled their senses. Tongues twisted in a mock battle that the Prince easily won, and he let out a groan as the larger saiyan sucked on the wet muscle.

Vegeta broke the kiss with a soft snarl. The prince began to scrape his elongated fangs over the younger's jaw and neck. Small beads of blood bloomed after a hard score over Goku's right shoulder. A hot tongue lapped up the crimson fluid, and the shorter saiyan moaned at the taste. He sucked on the shallow cut for more of the addictive taste.

The older man ripped his gloves off after he released the other's hands. Clever fingers groped massive pecks and played with nipples. The spiky haired man dug his fingers into the soft moss that was currently serving as a bed for the couple. The prince ran his hands down over the rippling muscles of his partner, and snarled when cloth blocked further access.

Vegeta sat up and glared at the offending garment with his tail lashing behind him. He moved further down the larger body to settle on burly thighs. Without anymore thought, the shorter male ripped off both Goku's clothes and his own. Both saiyans were hard, and their lengths brushed against each other.

While his partner gasped at the sudden feeling of skin on skin, the younger male remained in a submissive pose. The itch that had been driving Goku crazy was slowly being soothed with the actions of the his elder. The prince purred when he took in the picture of earth's hero.

Goku had lifted his arms up over his head to stretch out underneath other saiyan. The black tail was laying limp to the side save for tiny twitches at the tip. His head was leaning to the left, exposing the right side of his throat. He kept his gaze away from the prince's face, and arched up to rub against the older man.

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