Truth or Dare!!! 08

Start from the beginning

Peter : 'I wish we could stay like this'

Wade : "I wish"

Peter : "hmm? " he peek

Wade : "haha nothing, love" he pressed the resume botton on the screen and widely open his mouth, waiting for Peter to feed him and of course he did.

-that's enough of spideypool >:3 now with the others-

Phil. C : "Ok, it's your turn Bruce"

Doctor place his hand on the glass bottle and gently spins it. Tony patted Steve's forehead since he's still on top of the blondie head. Steve brought him down from his head and place him on his thighs.

And without any warning; pastel green smokes once again appeared but this time it's right in front of Steve. The man was about to stand up but something or someone forbid him to do so. Arms wrap around Steve's neck and pull him closer to the smoke. His lips smash with another lips. Slowly the smoke faded and turns out it was Tony turning back into his human self and...... he's stark naked.

Thor immediately closed Loki's eyes, Natasha closed Bruce's eyes and Clint closed Nat's eyes.

Clint : "SH*T MY EEEEYYYYEEESSS!!! " he screamed in agony as if they were on fire but nevertheless he didn't let go of his hands from closing Nat's eyes.

Pepper just shrugs.

Pepper : "Meh I'm use to it," she said casually. Being Tony's Secretary is no joke; she had to do ALL sorts of stuff for him! his paper works, his house/mansion works and also feeding him!!

Phil C. : "me too" he spoke unconsciously.


No one move a muscle.

Others : "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? " Everyone said in disbelief while looking at Coulson except Thor and Natasha.

Natasha : "Naaaaasty.. " she muttered out.

Thor boomed in laughter.

Thor : "I, too, have seen many naked man but mostly him" turning to Loki.

Thor : "wink wink wiggly wiggly eyebrows" he said looking at Loki while doing the actions.

Loki : "pffffttt you disgusting ouf" holding back his laughter, resulting small tears at the corner of his eyes.

Tony and Steve gave Thor a disgusted look. Clint laugh his arse off with Bruce and Pepper who's now having a difficult time on breathing. Steve removed his plaid shirt and thank god he's wearing a white tank top.

Steve : "wear this sweety" he wrapped the shirt around Tony and it was huge.

Tony wore it properly and button them all up to his chest. The shirt actually manage to cover up his private region. Natasha threw a black booty shorts at him and winked.

Tony : "Haha thanks, Nat"

Natasha : "пожалуйста" opening one of the potato chip begs that Steve bought from the kitchen and ate the chips.

Phil Coulson stayed quiet for two minutes. Pepper comforted him by gently patting him on the back.

Pepper : "it's perfectly fine, Phil. No need to be ashamed in front of us "

Natasha : "I mean I've seen all the boys naked especially Loki" she admitted.

Thor : "when....?" He grumbled.

Loki : "whatever you're thinking, love, that is not it" he knowingly said. It so easy to read Thor's thoughts based form his body language and his face.

Especially his gorgeous godly face.

Phil. C : "let's.... just get back to the game and thanks pep"

Clint : "well it's your lucky day Coulson" he grinned.

Turns out the bottle stopped at Phil the whole time. Phil just smiled and took that opportunity to get away from the embarrassment and awkwardness he had created earlier.

(Now you have been notice, bottle-chan =☆w☆=)

Pepper : "Truth or Dare, Phil? "

Phil. C : "Dare" he answered with no hesitation.

The team are quite astonished at Phil's bravery or is he just plain stupid.... Bruce quickly think of a good dare and an imaginary light bulb pops out on top of his head.

Phil staring at the bottle and back to Bruce. Soon enough he realized that he had made a terrible mistake. He definitely forgotten what COULD happened if you choose dare with Bruce.

Bruce smiled happily. Almost giddyly. Wonder what's the dare?

Bruce : "I dare you to kiss..... "


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