"Why? Are you kidding me?" Naruto demanded. "You already told me you would make me your henchman, didn't you? It's natural that a boss would want to help his henchman isn't it? Don't you have any sense of duty?"

"Yeah sure, I told you I'd make you my henchman, but we haven't even sealed the deal yet have we?" the toad asked.

"Come on!" Naruto shouted. "Give me a break! I'm not old enough to make any kind of a deal yet! What's the matter with you?"

He stopped when the smaller toad landed on his head and looked down at the larger one.

"Ah, come on Pops, don't be like that," the small toad spoke up. "Why dontcha just settle down and hear the kid out."

"Huh? Pops?" Naruto gaped.

"And just what do you think you're doing here Gamakichi?" Chief Toad demanded.

"I had nothing else to do, I just came to hang out," Gamakichi stated.

"You're father and son?" Naruto shouted.

"By the way Pops, that big ugly lug over there was pickin' on me before," Gamakichi spoke up.

"Come again?" Chief Toad snarled eyes narrowing at Gaara.

"Oh yeah, and when he did, our friend here came to my rescue," Gamakichi stated. "He went head-to-head and toe-to-toe with that monster. I'm tellin' ya Pops, there's a heck of a lot more to this kid than meets the eye."

"Is that right?" Chief Toad growled gripping his sword. "Okay Kid, you're hereby accepted as my henchman. Sit tight, I'll show you what duty is all about."

He drew his blade, holding it in reverse grip in front of himself for a moment.

"I'll take him down, but not before he's payed for what he's done," Chief Toad stated. "That worthless little flunky!"

He held his blade at his side with both hands and charged.

"Hang on tight small fry!" he shouted.

Finally, he leapt into the air, slashing at Gaara's right shoulder, burying his blade in it.

"How do ya like that?" Chief Toad shouted.

He leapt past Gaara, taking the arm off and sending it spinning into the air.

Fu kicked Yugao's sword, sending it spinning through the air before slashing at Yugao. Yugao caught her wrists, jumping and planting both feet in Fu's chest and launching her away. Fu landed on her feet and one hand just as an explosion shook the roof under them. Yugao, who had lunged for her sword, lost her balance and stumbled at Fu.

"You lose," Fu shouted leaping at her.

Yugao spun, catching her kick then continued to spin, hurling Fu back into the roof where she remained motionless.

"Not yet," Yugao snarled. "You don't have the training to beat me."

Yugao walked over to her sword, picking it up and walking toward Fu.

"Goodbye Fu," Yugao growled. "It was nice knowing you."

She raised her sword over her head but just as it began to descend, Fu leapt up, grabbing Yugao's hands and driving the blade down into the ground before slamming Yugao's torso down on the buttcap. Yugao coughed, vomit splattering across the roof before she stumbled past the sword and turned toward Fu. Fu's fist connected with her jaw, just behind her mask and Yugao collapsed, the blow having knocked her unconscious. Her mask spun away, smashing into pieces in the street and revealing her face to Fu.

"I thought so," Fu snorted. "You'll live this time. But only because I have to get to Ryuu."

With that, Fu turned and sprinted along the rooftops toward the battle again.

The blast knocked the massive Toad out of the sky, Naruto and the small toad going along for the ride.

"Yeah!" Shukaku, now in control as Gaara had materialized his upper body and then gone to sleep to allow Shukaku to take control, cheered. "I did it! I killed him! I killed him!"

"Now that kind of hurt," the massive Toad stated leaping out of the smoke and over Shukaku. "That was an awful lot of chakra that you blasted me with. I have to admit, hit me with a couple more of those, even I won't last much longer."

"Chief, what should we do?" Naruto shouted.

"Well for starters, you can wake up the spiritualist medium to release that jutsu," the toad replied.

"How am I suppose to do that?" Naruto demanded.

"Just fire off a few rounds at him," the toad shouted then dodged out of the way of another blast of wind while still airborne. "Liquid Bullets!"

He fired a massive blast of water at Shukaku but he missed entirely. The massive wall of water did, however, give the toad enough time to grab Shukaku by the shoulders.


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