Lonely Party (Part One)

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    As Brendon was getting ready for the party, there was a knock on the door. "Open!" he shouted. In walked Sarah, Brendon's girlfriend. "Oh, hey babe."
    "Hi honey! I brought driiiinks," Sarah said happily, holding up 2 bottles of vodka and a case of Four Loko.
    Brendon looked pleased. "Four Loko is a pretty big thing now I guess, huh? I swear everybody's bringing it. That's good! Hey, would you mind helping me set up?"
    They set up a long table for drinks and some food, then finished getting themselves ready. About an hour later, people started showing up.
    "Not as many people as usual eh?" commented a friend -- no, acquaintance -- of Brendon's.
    "Yeah. Not as exciting as usual, but still pretty fun. At least there's always a bright side: alcohol," he replied, laughing. He was already a little drunk.
    The party was getting boring. A little lonely even, you could say. Brendon pulled out his phone and texted Dallon.

    Hey buddy! How's that Netflix going? I know there's no 'chill' going on, because Breezy is here, man. How are you feeling? You're usually totally up for a party, especially when Breezy is around. Oh well though, hope you're doing okay. I'm going to stop text-rambling now. I am definitely wasted. OK goodbye now, the text read. Brendon always seemed to drag out what he was saying so much when he was drunk.
    20 minutes later, he texted again. YOOOOOO! This party is getting super lame. We miss you here, man. PS, we played spin the bottle, and it was awkward as hell. Somebody almost threw up in Sarah's mouth. Never again.
    4 minutes after that, one more. Okay. Party is over. I am very, very drunk, and alone at the moment. I have no idea what to do. This is lame AF.
    And one final text, 16 minutes later. Dallon, hey. I'm thinking way too much right now. I don't know what the hell is up. I just feel kind of weird right now, you know?
    I really need to talk to you.

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