Chapter 5 - Car Ride With Satan's Sons

Start from the beginning


Alex has been my best friend ever since we were born, our mothers are great friends. She became a famous super model while I pursued my acting career. I haven't seen her in months and I really missed her.

"Hello class, this is Skye West. She will be enrolling at our school so please make her feel welcome." He walks out and the teacher starts talking to him so everyone else starts chatting to each other.

Alex comes over and sits next to me. She smiles and starts squealing as she gives me a hug.


"Shh! Remember I'm Skye."

I smile sheepishly at her. "Right. Got it." I laugh and she joins in.


"We can talk after class." I nod at her and start explaining what we are working on in math.

After class I grab her by the shirt and drag her to my locker.

"OK explain. What are you doing here?? You could have called me!!"

She smiles sheepishly at me. "Well my parents had to go to Africa because they are helping children who are starving. They didn't want me to come so they called your parents and they said that I could stay with you for a couple months!" I grin at her while she squeals.

"That's great!" I exclaim. "We are roommates!"

 "We are roommates!"

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Then she keep explaining. "When I used a fake identity, like you, in America it really helped me with my grades and I know that I wouldn't be able to handle all the fame stuff so I decided to bring my disguise here!"

"I noticed." I joke.

"Anyway, I got some modelling jobs here and Victoria's Secret has shown some interest in me so fingers crossed!"

We talk about our lives and what has happened since we last saw each other.

I explain to her about Hunter, Eli and Sam and how she will be forced to ride in the car with me and them. Hah. Suffer.

"Are they hot?" I roll my eyes. Then, as if on cue, they stroll past my locker. With Candice and her little posse following close behind. Alex pretty much drools.

I elbow her. "Snap out of it, they are jerks."

"Hot jerks." I roll my eyes. Typical Alex.

"Stop drooling. It's unattractive." She turns towards me, looking offended.

"Excuse you, I happen to be a famous model." She says in a girlish voice and flips her hair. I crack up laughing and she grins. Oh how I missed her.

We walk to Eli's car after school. And there is Eli, making out with some girl. I avert my eyes while Alex does the same.

Sam is on his phone and Hunter is checking out all the girls who walk past. Boys.

I clear my throat. Eli tells the girl he will call her later and I do the introductions. "Boys this is Skye. Skye this is Asshole, Jerk and Idiot. I'm sure you will hate them as much as I do."

Alex tries to hold back a laugh while the guys look offended. Alex and I get into the car and so do the boys.

We drive back to my house in silence.

When we get back I see a familiar black car in the driveway. Oh shit.

And there is my agent herself. Leaning on her car. I get out quickly and drag Alex out.

"What're you doing here Kat??" She looks excited so that can either be really good or really bad.

"I got a call from the manager of the spy movie that you auditioned for! You got the main part!" Alex squeals next to me and I'm so excited that I squeal too.

"Are you gonna introduce me to your friends?" Kat comments, inclining her heads to the boys who are still in our driveway.

"Nope." I go tell the boys goodbye and they eventually leave, not after making some comments that make me want to rip their heads off.

I show Alex around the house and set up some mattresses and pillows on the lounge room floor. I missed having sleepovers and gossiping with Alex.

Well this was an eventful day if I do say so myself.

A/N: I'm so sorry guys!! I take ages to update I know and I apologize a thousand times.

Also! If you don't get what they were talking about in the car, that is Australian football. You can google the teams. It's called AFL or Australian Football League.

At least I got around to it eventually. I'm on holidays now so hopefully I can get around to updating more.

Anyway that's it from me!

Bye everyone! Xxx

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