71. #6 Brady Skjei (Hartford Wolf Pack)/ #6 NY Rangers

Start from the beginning

"Yeah...you like it?"

"Are you kidding me, I love it! That flower arrangements really made you an expert in decorating," he grins and wants to pull you into his arms, before he realizes his hands are full. You both laugh a bit and he hands you a single red rose. You lift your brow: "A red rose?"

"That was the first thing you've given me and do you remember what you said when you gave it to me for the second time?"


It's another Valentine's Day, spent as a friendly reminder you are still single when someone walks into the flower shop. The bell above the entrance rings and you lift your gaze from the magazine you are reading. The man standing there seems familiar, but you can't remember from where...

"May I help you?"

"Yeah, please. What would you recommend to give a girl I've been crushing on for a while?"
"Well, how long?"

"For about a year?"

"That is so cute. And you haven't done anything yet?"

He smiles a bit: "I was never brave enough to do anything. So what would you recommend?"

"I think every girl can't say no to a beautiful red rose. Plus, give this rose to a special girl, okay?... Wait, Brady?"

When you reach for the rose, you remember why he is so familiar to you. Exactly a year ago you handed him a red rose.

"Now you remember. Red roses are the best option then?"


He pulls out his wallet to pay, but you stop him by putting your hand on his: "It's on the house. Consider it as a Valentine's gift."

He pushes his wallet back into his back pocket and gives you a grin, which makes your knees weak: "Thank you. What would you recommend to bring with roses?"

"It may sound cliché, but I'd go with a tiny chocolate box."
"Thank you so much!"
"I hope she'll like it!"

Before exiting the store, he turns around and waves at you, smiling.

"I really wish he makes it, he deserves her to like him after one year."

Few hours pass and it's time to close the shop, when you hear someone call your name. You turn around and see Brady running towards you, a single rose and chocolate box in his hands: "Hey, Brady, how did it go?"

He stops in front of you and hands you a rose: "Can this girl say no to a rose? A rose someone told me to give to a special person."

You open your mouth in surprise and cover them with your hands. Your eyes water a bit, but you take his rose and smile: "This girl can't say no to such a beautiful rose."
"Can I ask you out?"
"I think you can," you let out a tiny giggle and your heart flutters at the sight of his face lighting up.

"Let me get this straight...you've been having a crush on me for one year?"
"Basically. You stole my heart the day I saw you serving my friend..."


"Red rose is for a special person," you whisper in response. His face lights up, just like it did a year ago when you agreed to go out with him and he repeats your words: "Give this rose to a special girl."

"You remember what I said back then?"
"Of course I do. And I am giving this rose to my special girl, to a girl who made my life special and amazing."

"Brady..." you whisper, your voice broken and quiet from tears of happiness and emotions.

"I love you," you gag out and pull him into a kiss.

"I love you more," he mumbles into your lips. When you break apart, he grins: "And what is that setting all about?"

You blush hard and look to your hands: "Well...I was thinking maybe because we've been together for one year plus, it's a Valentine's Day and...It was just a thought..."
His arms wrap around you and he buries his head in a crook of your neck: "I just don't want you to feel under any kind of pressure and if you are not one hundred percent sure..."
"I am sure, Brady."

He lifts his head and locks his eyes with yours. His hands are resting on back of your neck as he gently pulls your head to his, gluing your lips into sweet and romantic, yet passionate kiss. He moves back to bed and lays you down, treating you like a porcelain doll.

"Stop me anytime if you won't feel sure anymore, okay?"

"Okay," you nod your head and kiss him again.  Each time you kiss, it's sweeter and each kiss is deeper, making you sure you've made the right choice.

The next morning you wake up in his arms, your chest to his, and look at him sleeping. His hair is tangled up and his forehead is scrunched while he is asleep. You smile at yourself at the memories of the last night and you realize he really is the one. Especially after he has been crushing on you for one year before finally working up his nerves and asking you out, starting, in your opinion at least, the best love story you could've ever wished for.

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