"Hey guys." Vic says, Kellin nods his head,

 "Hey." Jenna says. I nod my head at the two. 

 Vic looks at me and then knits his eyebrows. 

"Alex, what's wrong?"  He asks as he and Kellin sit down in the desks in front of ours. I shrug.

  "Nothing, just the fact that Chase is walking this way."  I mutter as I sink further down into my seat. Vic opens his mouth to say something but get's cut off. 

Chase picks me up by the back of my shirt and slams me into the wall, holding me around my neck, with him spitting the usual insults in my face.  I struggle to get air in my lungs as I grab at his hand, but he won't loosen his grip.

 Vic walks over quickly, and attempts to reason with him when I start to get black spots on the edge of my vision.

"Chase put Alex down. He can't breathe" Vic says as he prepares to have to pull Chase off of me before I black out. 

Chase smirks at Vic and hits me square in the face, and then drops me to the ground while I'm gasping to get air back into my lungs.  Vic drops down next to me, holding my head up with his hand,

  "I really shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry. Are you okay?" I just nod and give him a thumbs up before laying on the floor for just a little longer, dreading how this year is going to end up. 


  After second period, I run out of the classroom trying to get to Biology before Chase and his friends get to me.  I burst through the door to the class, trying to catch my breath.

  I go and take the table in the back corner of the room, away from the other students. As more students file into the room, the skunk haired boy walks in, scanning for an open seat before his eyes land on the seat next to mine. I shrink down on myself, thinking he is just like Chase and his friends. I face forward, ignoring the fact that he is staring at me.

"Hey, My name is Jack. What's yours ?" He asks once the bell rings. I gnaw on my lip, trying to decide if I should respond or not.

"Alex."I mutter quietly, I see him smirk at me out of the corner of my eye before turning away. Half  an hour later, and a note appears on my textbook. I look at it before looking at Jack, he motions for me to open it. I glance at him once more before picking it up and reading it. 

 "So Alex, what are your other classes?" I bit my lip and pulled out my schedule 

 "Give me you schedule and ill write down what classes we have together"  I wrote down before sliding it back over to him. 

Jack pulls out his schedule and pushes it my way.  

  "We have Math, Biology, P.E, and Music together."  I write and push the note and his schedule back his way. As he reads the note he smile to himself before jotting something else down. 

 "Wonderful. It seems as if  we will be spending a lot of time together."  I roll my eyes before writing down my final response. 

"If you were smart, you would stay away from, especially since you're friends with the popular, homophobic pinheads. So if you want to keep any good word to your name, you shouldn't even glance my way."  


    After Biology, it was lunch time. I walk into the cafeteria, starving as I looked for my group of friends. As I scan the room I see Tay and Jenna in the corner of the room so I head on over towards them.

   When I get there,  it seems like all of the gang is here. 

  Zack and his girlfriend Stephanie, Rian and his girlfriend Cassadee, Kellin and Vic, Tay and Jenna, Mike and his girlfriend Alysha and then Tony and his girlfriend Erin. We all get our food and sit down next to each other.

  "Alex?" Tay asked,  I raised my eyebrows, telling her to continue.

  "Why is your cheek already bruised?" I roll my eyes 

   "Apparently, my homo was showing today during second period, and Chase decided that he didn't like that, so he did his usual damage." I muttered.  Tay opened her mouth to say something, but next thing I know, my face is being slammed into my lunch tray, as a cold liquid makes its way down my head and the rest of my body.

  I hear several people gasp as I looked up. I wiped the food from my face and turned around to see Chase standing there with a smirk on his face. 

  "Hey Gayskarth you looked a little hungry, so I thought I should help."  He said before nursing out with laughter along with the rest of the cafeteria.

  I stand up slowly, trying to keep myself together. I take a deep breath before spitting in Chase's face and walking out of the cafeteria, leaving him and everyone else speechless. As soon as those doors shut behind me, I started crying.

Jack's POV

    I can't believe Chase just did that, and I cant believe Alex spit in his face. He walked out of here so calmly. I get up from my seat as the chatter starts back up, I walk into the hall trying to figure out where he would've gone. I walk into the guys restroom and hear someone cussing under their breath. 

  " A-Alex? are you in here?" I hear shuffling before the last stall door opens, Alex walks out with red puffy eyes, and a scowl on his face.

 "Are you okay?" I ask cautiously. He chuckles.

"Never been better Jack" Alex walks over to the sink and starts washing the food, and the blood off of his face. He looks pissed. 

 "Why do you keep staring at me? I know I'm ugly but you don't need to stare." He states as he grabs paper towels to wipe off the rest of his face. 

"Oh, I uh, I'm sorry that happened to you" I say quickly, ignoring his eye roll.

"Don't feel sorry. I'm used to shit worse than this" He says as he stands up straight, scanning the mess in his hair and on his clothes. 

 "Well you shouldn't, you don't deserve something like that." Alex looks up at me with an incredulous look on his face.

 "Jack, just leave. I know you don't care, you hang out with that douche and you will probably end up beating me up or bullying me in someway before the end of the week. Now go back to your posse, I don't need your damn pity."  He spits as he walks past me, leaving me standing there completely shocked and dumbfounded. 

Stay awake for the night (Jalex AU).Where stories live. Discover now