"You came to steal the time machine," I say shrewdly watching his expression, "Good luck with that by the way."

He raises an eyebrow as he begins to walk forward.

"I don't need luck."

"You came!" calls Rip Hunter loudly before I can scoff.

"Obviously," Snart mutters.

"I will have to warn you," Rip says as he draws nearer, "because all your worlds are about to change."

He presses something inside his coat (WHAT IS IT WITH THIS DUDE AND BUTTONS) and a giant ship materializes in front of us.

A small wow comes from my mouth and Snart uncrosses his arms.

Everyone stares in shock as Rip grins at our reactions.

Stein says some science mumbo jumbo that no one understands and Rip just smirks back at him.

"I call it the WaveRider," he grins, "Come on then!"

He turns around and begins to walk towards the ship.

We stand there still awestruck before the blonde, SARA! SARA LANCE THAT'S HER NAME, starts forward and we all shake ourselves back into reality and move towards the ship.

Mick gets stopped by Dr Stein and has to haul the unconscious kid inside the ship.

"Whatever you used to roofie him, I want some," he growls at Stein as we enter.

"I DID NOT 'ROOFIE' HIM!" Stein argues back loudly.

"Hey I ain't judging."

The pair shut up as we walk along the silver hallway towards the main room.

Inside there is a long table like thing and beyond that chairs with heavy duty straps.

In the front is a chair that must be the captain's because it looks out the main windows towards the grassy field we had just left.

I dump my bag in a corner and walk towards the chairs when a voice stops me.


I jump about a foot in the air and hear Mick swear loudly.

Peering around I see a floating head staring back at me. Not like a human one more like a pixel/holographic one staring at us.

"That is Gideon," Rip explains quickly as he heads for his chair up front.

"Yes, Captain Hunter is correct. I am Gideon, an artificial intelligence being designed to aid Captain Hunter in his adventures."

We all watch Gideon warily before slowly walking over to the seats.

I sit down on an end of a row of three and am followed by pretty boy (I think his name is actually Ray Palmer-yes I looked up everyone that I met on the rooftop-no you can't judge me) who is followed by Sara.

Snart sits opposite us while Carter and Kendra (the reincarnating hawk people) find another pair of seats. Mick drops the kid (Jackson?) next to Doctor Stein then plods over to Snart and sits down.

"Um just strap yourselves in," Rip says his voice full of nervous excitement, "oh and you may experience nausea, temporary blindness, instability..."
His voice slowly gets quieter.

"And possibly bleeding from the eyeballs."

"EXcuse me WHAT?" Kendra exclaims from her spot.

The kid starts to stir and weakly opens his eyes as the engines roar to life.

Legends In Love {Legends of Tomorrow}Where stories live. Discover now