Then they prepared to blindfold them.

"I thought that you would take care of this?"
Aragorn whispered angerly at Amarth.
"I did."

Amarth smiled.
"We are not dead."


They were brought back to Rilath's camp.
They tied them all to wooden poles and removed their blindfolds, then went about their own business.

"Great plan Amarth."
Gimli snapped.
"Let's get captured by the cruelest men in Middle Earth!"

"First of all, I stopped them from killing us. Second, they are not the cruelest men in
Middle Earth."

"What do you mean?"
Aragorn asked.
Amarth turned to him.
"There is so much that you do not know."

Aragorn sighed. He would have to get used to Amarth's ramblings.
He looked around the camp.
There were tents scattered around the area, the biggest one probably belonged to Rilath.

Easterlings were everywhere.
Aragorn guessed that there was at least fifty in total.
They sitting with their backs up against the wooden poles, their hands tied together behind their backs.

They were in the center of the camp, which meant that everyone could see them, and make sure that they didn't try to escape.

Aragorn sighed.
How were they supposed to get out of this?
He glanced at Legolas.
They had been in worse situations.

It wasn't until dusk that Rilath ordered them to be brought to his tent.

The Easterlings untied them from the poles.
They kept long spears pointed at them.
"If you try anything, we will kill you."

One of them said.
They said nothing as they were led to Rilath.
He was a tall and muscular man.
He had dark hair and cruel brown eyes.

He was not one to be messed with.
"Leave us."
He ordered the guards.
"Are you sure that is a good idea?"
Amarth asked.

"You are all weaponless. I could kill all of you easily, and my guards will be right outside.
I have nothing to fear."

Amarth smiled.
"I wouldn't be too sure about that."
Rilath narrowed his eyes.
"Tell me, are you all skilled fighters?"

Amarth nodded.
"We are the best in our lands."
"What are your weapons of choice?"
Rilath asked.
"I prefer my swords."
Amarth replied.

He was about to answer for the others but Rilath held up a hand.
"I want to hear from them. They can speak can't they?"
Amarth nodded.
"Of course they can."

Rilath turned to Aragorn.
"I use my sword. But I am also skilled in archery."
Rilath's face showed no emotion.
He turned to Gimli.

He said.
"Is that all?"
"I don't need anything else."

Rilath turned his attention on Haldir and Legolas.
"We are both master archers."
Haldir said.
"I am also a skilled swordsman, and I fight with knives, daggers, spears, or I can manage just fine without a weapon."

Legolas glared at Rilath, who now looked impressed.
"What was your name again?"
He replied, remembering the names Amarth had given them.

"How did you get that scar?"
Rilath asked.
Legolas glanced at Amarth.
"He has not told us."
Amarth said.

Rilath looked at him curiously.
"We do not know for certain, but Beleg here has mentioned that he once served Him."

Rilath widened his eyes.
Legolas looked at Amarth in disbelief.
"He served Sauron?"
Rilath asked dumbfounded.

"It is only a rumor, but I would not doubt it."
Amarth looked over at Legolas.
"He kills without mercy. It is only because Strider and I intervened that Cuthalion was not killed."

Rilath turned to Legolas.
"Did you really serve Sauron?"
Legolas narrowed his eyes.
"If I have not told them, what makes you think that I would tell you?"

"Fair enough. You do not trust me, and I do not trust you."
Rilath closed his eyes and sighed.
"The reason I have not killed you is because I am need of some new men. Some who would follow my orders without question, and who are skilled fighters."

"Why are you gathering all these men?"
Aragorn asked.
"I am the rightful ruler of the Easterlings. After Sauron's fall, Khaten stole the throne. He tried to have me killed, so I took some men who were faithful, and we plan on reclaiming my throne."

"How do we know that you are the rightful ruler?"
Gimli asked.
"How do I know that you are really outlaws?"
Rilath countered.
"You could be spies."

"Fair enough."
Amarth said coolly.
"But as much as we would love to help you reclaim your throne, we have matters of our own. So I apologize, but we cannot join you."

Rilath narrowed his eyes.
"What are you so busy with?"
"Saving this pathetic earth."
Amarth replied.
"So if you even want a throne to reclaim I suggest that you set us free."

Amarth's voice became dangerous, he drilled Rilath with a cold stare.

Rilath held his gaze.
"As much as I would love to set you free, I can't. At least, not all of you, and not unscathed."

Haldir glanced at Aragorn.
Aragorn looked at Amarth.
The elf's face was cold.

"Now would be a good time to use that knife Beleg."

Before Rilath could react Legolas took out the knife he had hidden in his boot and threw it Rilath.

The man barely dodged the knife.
Rilath shouted a warning and the guards that had been waiting outside rushed into the tent.

Aragorn, Amarth, Haldir, and Gimli held them off while Legolas retrieved his knife and cornered Rilath.

He held the blade up to his his neck.
"Release us."
Legolas pushed the knife in deeper.

Rilath laughed.
"Do you honestly believe that you can escape me?"
"Drop your knife!"
One of the Easterlings shouted.

Legolas turned to them.
One of them had a sword placed at Aragorn's neck.
"We will kill him."

Legolas narrowed his eyes and turned back to Rilath.
The blade went in deeper.
Gimli shouted, and then quickly realized his mistake.

Legolas looked at him in fear, and Rilath took his chance.
He knocked the knife out of Legolas' hand, Easterlings raced over and grabbed him.

Pinning his arms behind his back.
Rilath walked over to him and smiled.
"Legolas Greenleaf. Son of King Thranduil of Mirkwood, and the sole heir to the throne."

Legolas glared at him.
"How do you know who I am?"
Rilath had retrieved Legolas' knife and was inspecting it in his hand.

"Someone came by a few days ago and told us to keep an eye out for a certain elf, an elf named Legolas, who was the only son of the last elvenking in Middle Earth.

Legolas demanded.
Rilath shrugged.
"He did not say."

He placed Legolas' knife under his chin, forcing his head up.
"I wonder how much Thranduil would be willing to give for you being returned alive?"

"And unharmed?"
As he said this he cut Legolas with the knife.
A thin line of scarlet appeared on his neck.

Legolas winced but showed no other sign of pain.
Rilath turned to the Easterlings who held the others.

"Release them."
He grinned menacingly.
"But only after they are beaten."


Cliffie! But don't worry more is to come!

Shout out to
Who has been with me on this LOTR adventure since the first book!
She has two amazing LOTR stories and is an awesome friend to me, and everyone else she meets!

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