
It had been three days since Shira left. She was angry at herself for being forgetful.

She seemed to have forgotten how to keep Kylo off her mind. Her mind used to spin only around one thing and that was survival, but now survival seemed impossible without Kylo by her side. Now she was just wandering around in a crappy ship. She figured it would be better if she got rid of the First Order's one; it would draw less attention to herself.

Shira couldn't find a way to let Leia know she abandoned her mission. She didn't feel like bounty hunting. Whatever, she didn't feel like anything. Life consisted of hopping from one bar to another in hopes to keep her mind of him.

But wherever she went people still talked. Kylo Ren this, Kylo Ren that. First Order this, First order that. It was starting to go beyond annoying. She wished the Force didn't exist. At the time it had become an useless threat used only to cause terror.

She wished Kylo would have killed her, too. Her life had literally no purpose. Shira seemed to live for the annoyance of other people.

Shira finished her drink in one swig and slammed the glass against the bar. "More." She ordered.

The gungan (Jar Jar's species) bartender, clearly intimidated by her look spoke with a trembling voice. "Ma'am, I'm afraid you've drank too much-"

Shira's eyes gleamed with anger as she grabbed the defenseless gungan shook in fear. Suddenly, the bar became completely silent. At first she thought it was because of the scene she was causing, but when she turned towards the door she saw something she was totally not prepared for.

The familiar masked figure stood at the door, blocking the all light except the one of his red light saber. She dropped the gungan, letting it hurry under the bar for protection. Some people spoke in hushed voices.

"Is that really Kylo Ren?"

"No, I heard his helmet was bigger,"

"But that saber looks so real."

"What are you doing here?" Shira snapped, reaching for her lightsaber. Kylo didn't reply. "I told you to get out of my life."

Kylo stepped closer towards her, her grip on her saber's hilt became tighter. He was so close she could hear him breathing through his helmet.

"We can do this the easy way and you come with me," He started, sounding completely menacing. Shira glared at him, he could get over her that easy. It always came to his stupid little world domination complex, didn't it?

"Or else?" She hissed, igniting her saber and pointing at him. He immediately reacted and swung it away. The people starting running out of the bar, some staying to watch the fight.

Shira raised at table with the Force and attempted to throw it at him, but Kylo reversed the attack. She managed to move away before it hit her.

Their sabers clashed against each other, sending sparks everywhere. Some furniture was set on fire due to the sparks meeting with the alcohol spilled on them. Shira swung her saber full force at him, and he blocked hit right above his face.

In the purple and red glow their sabers produced, and in the closeness of their faces, the light seeped through the mask and she could look into his eyes. Kylo used this as a distraction and kicked her to the floor.

Shira's eyes shrunk in her wrath. "After all these years here we are again," she said sharply. She glanced at the tip of his saber, watching spokes of plasma dancing around the scarlet light.

Kylo didn't move. "Why can't you just kill me? Isn't that what you want?" She taunted. "Don't you want to get rid of the light inside of you?"

She swatted his saber away with hers, and got back on her feet. Attacking again, she managed to corner him. "Or do you want me to just kill you and get this over with?" Shira said through greeted teeth.

Then she just pushed the button and turned off her saber. She could feel his confused stare. "Why are we doing this? Can't you see our lives make no sense? You are a puppet. Can't you see that Snoke guy is using you because you are basically the only dark Force user out there? He just wants you to be consumed by hate to then leave you hanging by meaningless power."

Kylo turned off his saber, too. He took off the helmet and looked at her with glassy eyes, still not saying anything. "So who do you want to die first. You or me?" She suddenly lit her saber again and pointed it at his chest.

Before she could do anything, she was struck by an electrocuting blast. "I hate you," she muttered as she fell to the ground. Kylo put his helmet back on and let a tear slide down his cheek.

"I hate me, too." He whispered to himself as he lifted her from the ground, and he left quietly followed by the two storm troopers who shot her.

A/N: I'll update again as soon as I get the chance to; I'm trying to make up for lost time :(

Night, wookies.

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