
I woke up the next morning, I realised it was only Kirsty and I that were still asleep, everyone else, including James, was up, chatting and eating breakfast. I hopped off the couch trying not to wake up Kirsty, I succeeded, "Heya!" I beamed, "Hey," Anna replied, taking a sip of her tea, I looked back at Kirsty sleeping, "Poor girl, she's getting all the hate, Anna or I would be able for it she's just...a bit softer, she needs more protection," I said, still looking at her, "And Louis," I continued, his attention was turned to me, "that was so sweet what you did with Kirsty last night," I smiled. He blushed and turned around to fill his cup with more tea, I sat beside Anna, when I was sure no one was listening, I whispered in her ear, "It's so obvious he likes her." She grinned and nodded. Just then Kirsty started twisting and turning, she sat up, "Why is my throat sore?" she asked with her hand over her throat, rubbing it, "And why are my eyes puffy?" We all just looked at each other, "Am..." Liam started, rubbing the back of his neck. "You were upset," Louis interrupted, "Why?" she asked. She doesn't remember what happened. "Am..." Louis continued, he looked at us as if asked what should he say. Just then she checked her phone and saw the message, "Oh..." she said, "Now I remember." she said, putting her phone down. "It's OK, don't worry, everything will turn out good," Louis reassured her, "You sure?" she asked looking up at him, "I'm sure, I'll make sure it is." Louis said, giving Kirsty a hug. Looks like all's going well with my plan. "Kirs, you sure you'll be OK?" I asked her, she nodded her head, still in Louis arms. The boys were going to a Meet and Greet today, so the three of us could sort it out.


The boys were at their meet and greet and Tom and James went out to go see a basketball game or something manly like that. "Are you seriously OK?" Anna asked, "Well...I suppose. Louis being so nice to me about it," she sniffled, she has been upset all day. "That's 'cause he loves ya!" Anna laughed, poking Kirsty's arm, she blushed, "No he doesn't," she protested quietly, "Um...yeah, he does, like alot," I pointed out, she blushed even more, her cheeks a crimson red colour, we talked about Louis and Kirsty for ages until James and Tom came back, "Hello!" Tom exclaimed, sitting down beside me, "Did we miss anything?" he asked, "No...not really," I replied, "Do you not have diving competitions back home?" Anna asked out of the blue, "Not many, they're not big ones, so it doesn't really matter," he answered, just then we got I got a text,

From: Zayn :D

Hey. We'll b back in a bit, call if anything happens.

I replied instantly

To: Zayn :D

Um, K? But don't u have a concert tonight?

He answered almost straight away

From: Zayn :D

Ye, we'll b back in a while just stopped for food.

"Guys? There's something going on..." I said, worried, "How can you tell?" Anna asked, "He usually would put a smiley face at the end of his texts, and stopping for food? Really? They usually get food at their meet and greet, he wouldn't text to say that he was stopping to eat, they just eat!" I exclaimed, "We have to go see if they're OK!" James said, hopping up off the sofa, we all followed him, we piled into Tom's car and sped off, when we arrived we ran inside, we could see where they had previously been, in the music store to sign the CDs and all that. "To the food court!" James yelled running up the stairs, we ran up and they weren't there. "There's something up." I said, Kirsty started getting worried, "It's OK, we'll call Paul," I reassured her, I dialled the number. One ring, OK, two rings, C'mon, three rings, Paul? On the fourth ring, Paul picked up, "Paul!?" I yelled through the phone, "Lauren! Have you seen Zayn, Niall and Louis?" he asked frantically, "No! That's what we were going to ask you, but I did get a text from Zayn saying that he stopped for food, but I could tell it wasn't him texting, where are you?!" I replied. "I'm at the back exit." he said, "On our way," I yelled, I hung up, "Zayn, Louis and Niall are missing!" I screamed, "WHAT?" Lauren, Anna, Tom and James yelled at the same time, "No time to explain, follow me!" I shouted, we all ran to the back, where Paul, Liam and Harry were, "What happened?" I cried. "We turned around and bam, you lose three guys," Liam shrieked, "And we don't know where they disappeared to!" Harry worried. "Wait! On my phone you can see the location from where the text was sent!" I said as I pulled out my phone, "It says he's still here? But how?" I questioned. "I don't know but we'll split up and find out, James and Tom, check all the boys toilets, Lauren and Anna check all the girls toilets, Liam and Harry you take upstairs and Kirsty and I will take down here, call me if you find anything," Paul ordered. We split up and searched.

Liam's P.O.V~

Harry and I searched the men's rooms, in total there were about eight men's rooms in the whole shopping centre, we searched the first one, "Nothing here," Harry said dully, I went over to him and rubbed his back, "It'll be OK," I reassured him, he looked at me doubtfully, just then my phone rang, "Hello?" I didn't even look at the caller ID, "Yes, Liam, come to the food court, Kirsty found something," Paul spoke before hanging up, "Harry, c'mon!" I yelled, grabbing his arm and bolting out the door, we ran up the stairs and to the food court, "What's up?" I panted, Kirsty help up an iPhone, "Zayn's," Harry whispered, taking the device in his hands, "Where'd you find it?" I asked, Kirsty pointed to a bin in the corner, my eyes widened, "There's definitely something dodgy goin' on here," I implied, Paul and Kirsty nodded, "Wait!" Harry yelled, "There's a draft saved on this, it says Come to the arena now, if you want your boys back," he went on, "But it has a name at the bottom... T.W.," he paused for a minute, "The Waitress!" he finished, just then Tom and James came up the stairs, "C'mon, we're going to the arena!" Paul said as he rushed us towards the area where the car was parked.

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