
Later that day, I got called into the principal's office. I nervously walked up to the door and knocked quietly.

"Come in." said Mr. Ayala.

"You called me in?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes, Allen, is it?" he asked

"Alix." I corrected him. Nobody ever got my name right.

"Right, well it has come to my understanding that some male students are making you feel uncomfortable in the locker rooms. If you want, you can have your mom call in and ask for a pass to get changed elsewhere, perhaps in the bathroom?"

"Thank you, but no it's fine I just ignore them, it's mainly Richey and his friends more than anyone else."

"Richey Ramirez?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Interesting, who else?" He asked curiously.

I listed him a few of the jerks from class that had picked on me before.


Later on he called me back down, he told me he had spoken to Richey and his friends.

"Allen, I-"

"It's Alix." I said with a strong tone, causing the lights nearby to flicker.

"Right, well I have been told now that you hit Richey in the head with a volley ball and that is the reason for him picking on you. He said you didn't even apologize and that hurt his feelings. He then explained to me that you... showed yourself to the rest of the class."

"The volleyball was an accident and I told him that. Also, I wasn't 'showing myself' I didn't understand what was happening."

"Well it's normal for boys your age to have erections, it actually happens a little earlier most of the time, it's just more of a private thing. Since this is Richey's second offense, he is banned from prom. Even though this is your first, I'm afraid we're going to have to call your mother."

I was shaking my head in disagreement repeatedly saying "no."

"I'm sorry but if you're getting into situations like this I'm going to have to let her know what is going on."

I gave out one final strong "NO" as the middle shelf to the bookcase to the far end of the room collapsed, bringing all the books and knickknacks to fall to the floor.

"What in the-?!" the principal shouted out running over to the bookshelf oblivious to what had just happened. "Must have been a loose screw in there." He said to himself as he examined closer.

I ran out of the room with my heartbeat in my ears again. It was so loud, all I can hear was a fast paced thumping sound, I felt a sharp pain in my head and I felt like I was about to faint. 


Later on after school when I got home, my mother was there, home from work early and yelled out to me "Alixander, get over here now!" I walked over towards her slowly, she looked angry, with a bible in her hand.

"Your school called earlier." She started. "You committed a sin, you showered with those other boys, and you had lust filled thoughts." She explained.

"Mama what happened today wasn't a sin, Mr. Ayala told me it's perfectly normal for boys to have these thoughts. Why didn't you tell me mama? I was so scared, I didn't understand what was happening to me." I confided in her.

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