Walking into school wasn't really ever my favorite thing to do. I didn't hate school like most people. I just hated everyone in it. I liked learning, I wanted to be a doctor when I grew up. But with everyone constantly picking on me all the time, it was hard to focus. Especially in between classes, because then they tried to get me alone whenever they could. And by they, I mean Ronnie Radke and his goons. I call them goons because they don't really hurt me as much as Ronnie, they're like his sidekicks to make him look cooler and scarier.

"What're you gonna do, fag? You gonna go and cry to your mommy?" Ronnie spat at me while he kicked my side. I cried out in pain against the cold tiled floor. He originally had me pressed up against the lockers, but decided to switch things up today and throw me to the floor.

"Fuck you!" I told him, spitting blood at him. That's right, he hit me in the jaw earlier and I was tasting metal not long after. He wiped his cheek with his hand, picking me up by my hoodie.

"Listen here, queer-"

"Fuck off! Get the hell away from her, or else."

Thank fucking god. I have to remember to buy Vic some food or something later for this. I sighed in relief at the sound of his feet rushing down the empty hall. Ronnie looked at him and rolled his eyes before turning back to me.

"We'll finish you later." He smirked. Him and his goons were out of the school by the time Vic got to me. He sunk down to his knees in front of me while I used the palms of my hands to push myself up. Delicately, he wrapped his right hand around my elbow and used his other to help me up. He wrapped it around my waist and carefully pulled me up so we were both standing. I fell limp against him, and not in the romantic-teenage-love-struck type of way either. My whole body was aching, even more so now than it was earlier.

"Shit Kells, we have to get you to the nurse." Vic whispered to me. It was already nearing the end of the day, so I shook my head no. I wasn't going to bother that lady. All she was really going to do was check my temperature and throw an icepack at me. That's usually how things went down in there. Besides, Oli would be waiting to pick me up.

"No, Vic, I'm fine. Really," I coughed, limping as I struggled to step back and stand on my own. My hoodie had some blood on it when I looked down. I frowned and observed the material. "Shit," I cursed, attempting to wipe it off. I threw my head back and sighed. Well, now this hoodie has blood on it too.

I took it off and held it in my arms, hiding them. They had a few bruises, nothing I couldn't play off as something Ronnie did.

"Here, take mine." Vic told me upon noticing the sad expression I wore. I gave him a grateful smile before pulling the Thrasher hoodie over my head. The tie dye cloth smelled just like him, a hint of cigarette smoke and his cologne. I looked up at him through my hair as he offered a small smile. He shrugged his shoulders as his smile widened.

"It looks good on you." He admitted. My heart leapt and I couldn't help it but to throw my arms around Vic and pull him into a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you, so much. Vic, fuck." His arms found their way around my waist as he pulled me tighter against him, letting out a breath of relief. My eyes teared up but I didn't want him to know that all the small little acts of kindness he does, aren't actually so small to me. They mean the world to me. Like him letting me wear his hoodie, or buying me food, or picking me up when I'm in the middle of nowhere. He's the bestest friend anyone could ask for and I was lucky he was my best friend.

"It's just a hoodie, Kells. Don't worry about it." He told me, pulling back to look into my eyes.

"Yeah, just a hoodie." I said to him, smiling while my lip trembled. I wiped my eyes and laughed when he pulled me into the hug again. The bell rung, signaling the end of school. Vic and I pulled out of the hug and made our way towards our lockers. They were situated right next to eachother. He threw his shit and my shit into my locker before we leaned against them and waited for the hallways to clear out.

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