Forty Seven (Alternate)

Start from the beginning

"Please this way" The doctor guided Marc towards his office.

"Look Mr. Reynolds..." The doctor started as he closed the door behind him and beckoned Marc to sit down.

"Please just tell me that my wife is okay." Marc pleaded.

"Yes she is okay but there are some complications."


"Are you aware that your wife is almost a month pregnant?"

"What? No...she said she is on her pill and she recently had her periods." Marc informed the doctor though a little part of his heart jumped with joy at the news.

"What the patient mistook for periods was implantation bleeding. It occurs sometimes in the first trimester and as far as her pills, the medications she is taking might have altered the effects of the contraceptive." The doctor explained.

"But the complications?" Marc asked.

"Yes those...your wife is unstable at the moment as her body is weak as she has recovered from severe injuries recently. So we need to keep her hospitalized for a few days to monitor her health and the baby's health as well. There are some chances that this pregnancy might not go full term and the baby might be premature but those are later concerns, for now we need to focus on the mother and child's heath."

"Thank you so much doctor" Marc said as he got up and went out to inform his family. His heart soared with joy.

End of flashback.

The next nine months, yes their daughter was healthy and well and went full term, were filled with joy for both Rabia and Marc. They were expecting their second child and Marc was ecstatic.

Ralph took over the company for the time being as Marc completely devoted his time to Rabia and took care of her along with a full time nurse. Despite Rabia's disability, Marc made sure her pregnancy was like any normal one. Once they got to know it was a baby girl, both of them were over the moon.

Marc and Rabia spent their days shopping for clothes and setting up the nursery. Soon the due date approached and on February 14, Kiara Jane Reynolds was welcomed into the world and Marc's world was once again complete and full of happiness.

"DAD!!!" Kiara yelled and Marc snapped back to the present.

"Dad, you zoned badly and you are hugging mom like she is going to run away" Kiara chuckled while she pointed at Marc and Rabia and Jay laughed.

"Stop it you two" Rabia said. "The lunch is ready. Come on."

All four of them settled in for lunch.

"What were you and mom doing with the flour?" Jay asked as he helped himself with pasta.

"Mom was trying to teach me how to bake a cake but we failed miserably. I was telling mom about my college and how it is soooooo different from high school, I mean it is my second year but still and also how I am going to turn twenty soon and..."

"Okay! Stop! I get it!" Jay said as he chucked a breadstick at his sister and Kiara stuck out her tongue at him.

"Stop it you both." Rabia said and both of them looked at their mother.

"What? Just because I can't see, doesn't mean I don't know what you both are up to. Stop playing with your food."

Marc chuckled and earned a glare from Rabia.

"You spoil them!" Rabia accused Marc

"What did I do?" Marc protested.

"I am getting engaged to Kate" Jay dropped the news.

"Way to break the news bro!"

"What?" Rabia asked not sure whether she heard her son right.

Marc just gave the "I knew it" look to his son and nodded his head in encouragement. Marc knew Jay was serious with Kate and Marc liked Kate. She had a lovely personality and both of them were in love.

"I said I am getting engaged to Kate"

"Oh Jayson! I am so happy for you! Kate is such a charming young lady!" Rabia said as she got up and went to hug Jay.

"Thank you, mom." Jay said as he hugged his mother back.

"What have you planned for the proposal?" Kiara asked.

"I don't know yet. I am nervous."

"Don't be nervous son. It will all work out. Just make it a proposal to remember so that you both cherish it for a lifetime" Marc said as he grabbed Rabia's hand under the table and squeezed it. Rabia blushed at Marc's gesture.

Jayson's phone rang.

"Excuse me" Jay said as he stepped aside to answer the phone.

"I got to go. There is this deal that needs to be finalized."

"The one with that Italian marble company?" Marc asked as he helped Rabia towards the living room.

"Yup. It is almost finished. I have to go."

"Drop me at Stella's house. I haven't seen her in ages." Kiara said as she grabbed her handbag and headed out with Jay.

Marc and Rabia stood on the porch and watched as both Kiara and Jayson left.


"Yes beautiful?"

"Thank you for always being by my side"

"I could have never imagined myself anywhere else."

"I love you so much, Marcus James Reynolds."

"I love you more, my beautiful."


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