I don't want that. I don't want to be reminded how lonely I am.

I heard the door open and I looked up and took down my hands from my ears.
Ryan? Ryan of all people came down. I actually had a little hope it would be Dan or Phil.

"Sup?" he said and closed the door behind him and looked up at me. "Your eyes are really teary, don't tell me you're also allergic now like everyone else."
I had almost fell tears before he came in and I rubbed my eyes.
"Yeah this damn spring make my allergic worser," I mumbled and faced the spinning machine.

Ryan got next to me and threw all his clothes in three different machines. He's really rich so his dad can pay him for almost everything.
"How's life?" Ryan asked.

Ryan didn't sound mean or bored. It was like he really wanted to know how my life is.
"It's shit as always," I sighed.
"Really? Aren't you with Marzia? She is pretty cool to be with."
"Well we don't talk anymore."

Ryan started his machines and sat next to me. "Then I was right, something have happen between you two after the party."
"What do you know," I mumbled annoyed at him.
"I saw what happened at the party and how you helped Ruth. And you were totally right. Everyone of us was fucking cowards."

"You all were cowards for Jessica," I said and looked up at Ryan. "but I have let it go."
"So Marzia is pissed off because you called her coward?" Ryan asked.
"I told the truth," I said annoyed again. "I will try to fix this. I will try to apologise to her soon."

"Well you better hurry then, summer is soon here."
"We will come here at autumn again for fucks sake. If I screw up now I can try to fix it at autumn."
"No you can't," Ryan said and I glared at him.

"You believe I have failed my finals don't you?" I said. "Or that I will drop out?"
"No I never said something about you," Ryan said. "but Marzia won't come back to autumn."

Everything felt blurry. Won't come back? But this was our first year. I would fix this. She wouldn't leave, I have to fix so we can be friends again!
The anger rushed threw my veins and my hand flew right to Ryans shirt and dragged him closer to my face.

"Ryan if you are pulling some fucking sick joke you better stop before I get really mad," I said low with my voice so the teacher won't notice it who was still outside.
"Dude chill!" Ryan said and held my hand. "Marzia is dropping out from school! She will leave about next week and go back to Italy!"

"Where have you heard from it?" I said and felt angry since it has to be a sick joke.
"From herself! We texted last night! I can show you."
He pulled up his phone and I snapped it as fast he had go to his and Marzia's conservation.

Marzia: yesterday 11.34pm
Hi, thanks for taking care of Elisa tonight. I can't really handle her since she was really drunk (in my opinion.)

np. btw what was it you wanted to talk about?

Well, I have failed in many classes. Like more than 70% of my classes. The only thing I haven't failed with is Photograph class.

everyone fails sometimes, it will be better to autumn.

No you don't understand. I failed all my exams too! I won't make it to second year.

woah do you need help with something? I have friends that can help you with the studying.

It's too late. I have decide I will drop out.

WHAT?! are you kidding me??

I'm not kidding... I have talked to the principal and next week I'm going to Italy. I'm leaving before everyone hear that I failed with everything.

what about your friends? have you told Felix about it?

I haven't spoke to Felix in a while. It's all messy right now.

Anyway thanks for watching Elisa. This is why she is crying if you wonder. Note to myself: don't tell things to others when they are drunk.

I felt my heart sink. This can't be it. I handed over the phone to Ryan.
"Dude I'm sorry what happened between you and Marzia," Ryan said.
"How the fuck could this happen?" I said more to myself than to Ryan. "The world must hate me."

"Like, it isn't to late you know?" Ryan said. "Also, you are with Ruth. She seems nice as well. And you were with Dan and Phil at the party and you seemed to have fun."
"Have you spy on me?" I asked.

"Nah, I happen to be at the places at the same time as you and I got friends that tell me everything. And you know, good authors like to look at other peoples life."
"I know," I said. "but it feels like, if I lose Marzia. I will lose everyone. And I will be lonely again."

"It was you who told me that some are better off alone," Ryan said and I looked up at him. "but most of the time when people have friends they don't want to be lonely. Now you can't imagine a life without a friend."
"How do you know this? You are popular as fuck."

"I was an outcast like you," Ryan said. "when I was a kid I was bullied because I was a rich kid and no one wanted to be with me. Also some were meaner to me in high school. Sure I have no dad, but everyone said 'got your money from your daddy?' but I have never met him."

"Michelle said you got your money from your dad," I said.
"Well my mom is like a dad, Michelle have met my mom and said that my mom reminds of a dad. She never mean to say dad to my mom but oh well. My mom is like a dad so it's no worries."

I felt guilty now. I have only thought he got his money from his dad. But he hasn't. I was ugly for have judging him.
"I'm sorry about your dad," I said.
"Who cares, he was probably a dick. And I don't share my life to everyone I meet."
"So why do you share it to me?"
"Because I know what you go threw man. But I was not like you, I was a coward until I started to smoke. Then I started to get friends. At that moment I never wanted to be lonely. I didn't want to go around all my life with being lonely."

I nodded and the machine made a beep sound that it was done. I got up and took out the clean underwear.
"So, how did your and Marzia's friendship started like?" Ryan asked and I looked up at him.
"Down here in the washing room," I said with a chuckle.
"Just like you and me then," Ryan said.

I stared at him and he smiled at me. I could think about being friend with a rich kid. Now when I know how he really is.
"Yeah, just like us," I said with a smile back. "but I didn't pull her shirt and was threading at her."

We both laughed and kept talking about our lives to each other.

Oh shit 1 chapter left. How will it go? What if the world collapse before Felix can apologise to Marzia?
Vote if you liked this chapter and comment if you want!

Anyway look at this awesome book cover that -fawns made for me! Check them out guys! And thank you once again Star :D

Anyway look at this awesome book cover that -fawns  made for me! Check them out guys! And thank you once again Star :D

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I Hope You Make It To 28 [melix]Where stories live. Discover now